
pretense n.〔美國〕=pretence.


I predict future happiness for americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them 我預言美國人民會有幸福的未來,如果他們可以阻止政府假借照顧人民之名濫用人力的話。

Please send me money so i can do so . “ yet , in most cases , those giving out grant money want at least the pretense of a long - term research plan 請給與撥款,資助我的工作” ,然而在很多時候,這些提供經費的人又會要求我做一個長期的研究計劃。

If we trust each other , we are willing to be open to each other and can shed masks and pretenses and reveal our true selves 如果我們相互信任,我們就愿意相互敞開我們的心扉,我們就能夠去掉假面具,去掉偽裝,顯示我們的真面貌。

She is also the subject of numerous web postings , including some who say her cute - and - innocent image is a pretense for profit 她同時也是無數網絡帖子的主題,其中有些人說她可愛、清純的形象只不過是為了謀取利益而采取的偽裝。

If he pinched her again under pretense of picking up her napkin , she would throw her glass in his face ! nevertheless , the evening passed off well 而現在呢,娜娜恨他了,如果他裝著撿餐巾去捏她的腳,她就把酒杯扔到他的臉上。

Alum root will assist initiates in honest communication without pretenses or masks , and in learning to love oneself as one is in the moment 珊瑚草將協助提升者處于沒有偽造或面具的誠實通訊之中,并學會愛自己當下的樣子。

If we trust each other , we are willing to be open to each other and can shed masks and pretenses and reveal our true selves 如果我們互相信任,那么我們就愿意敞開心扉,摘下面具,去掉偽裝,顯示我們真實的自我。

The pretense of greatness will be the proof of it , and powerful men with many severe faults will rule over all the classes on earth 自稱為偉大的會是擁有很多錯誤的有權勢的人,他們支配著地上的所有階級。

Muttered la faloise , whose constant pretense it was to be bored in good society . “ one s ready to kick the bucket here 拉法盧瓦茲嘀咕道,他裝出一副在社交場合中露出的那種無聊的神態, “在這兒,真要命。

Until these qualities of truth and courage are generated , we will be vulnerable to our own pretenses and fabrications 在我們生起這些真實和勇氣的特質之前,我們仍然容易受害于我們自己的虛偽和造作。

Mk . 12 : 40 who devour the widows ' houses , and for a pretense make long prayers . these shall receive greater judgment 可十二40他們侵吞寡婦的家產,假意作很長的禱告。這些人要受更重的刑罰。

In this version , the group is invited , under false pretenses , to an isolated hotel in the iranian desert 在這個影片當中,一群朋友被邀請到一個在伊朗沙漠中的一間孤立的旅館。

Who devour the widows ' houses , and for a pretense make long prayers . these shall receive greater judgment 40他們侵吞寡婦的家產,假意作很長的禱告。這些人要受更重的刑罰。

I ’ m sick of your pretenses . you sold me down to the river to the public . how dare you , you traitor 假惺惺的,真讓人惡心。在大家面前出賣我,你怎么敢這樣?你這個叛徒!

An imaginative creation or a pretense that does not represent actuality but has been invented 捏造,想象虛構的作品或托詞,并不代表是真實的,而是被編造出來的

But i made myself smile so i could greet my little daughter with a pretense of happiness 但我擦擦眼淚,強擠出笑容,要讓自己在女兒面前露出喜悅之情。

“ yes , “ she said , and she began to giggle again , sheepishly , and with a pretense of being coy “是埃”說著她又傻笑開了,很忸怩,作出一副害羞的樣子。

Effect of slow - release fertilizers on yield and quality of trifolium pretense in different soils 緩釋復合肥對不同土壤紅三葉產量和品質效應的研究

He had made pretense of sneaking off in front of simonne and had returned after her departure 他假裝見到了西蒙娜,溜走一會兒,然后又回來。