
pretence n.1.借口,口實,托辭,假托。2.假裝,假做作,虛偽。...


Their way of life was all pretence 他們的生活方式都很做作

Their friendliness was only pretence 他們的友誼完全是虛假的

You can ' t keep up the pretence any longer 你不能再假裝下去了。

Julie made a pretence to feel for the key 尤莉假裝在身上摸鑰匙。

The boy didn ' t take the exam under the pretence of sickness 那個男孩藉口生病沒有參加考試。

Everytime we borrow , we give a pretence 我們每次借錢都找了一個借口

A review of preschoolers ' pretence research 關于學前兒童假裝研究綜述

The boy didn ' t take the exam under the pretence of sickness 那個男孩藉口生病沒有參加考試

She isn ' t really ill ; it ' s only pretence 她不是真的病了,那只是假裝。

Don ' t listen to his pretences ; he is lying 別聽他的種種藉口,他在撒謊。

There is no pretence that qualifying was a success 這個排位一點也不成功。

He was a fool to attempt to make a pretence that way 他像那樣假充內行簡直是個傻瓜。

I have no pretence to being an expert on the subject 我并不自命是這方面的專家

Wang chong ' s talks on writers writing without pretence 簡說王充的主體自然表現論

We all agreed that he used the pretence to account for any disappointment he could not conceal, rather than he would blame the real cause of it, or disparage or depreciate any one . 我們都認為他寧可利用這種借口來說明他無法掩藏他那失望的心情,而不愿追究失望的真正原因,也不愿輕視或譏笑任何人。

Were i to advise any man for whom i had the least regard, i would caution him by all means not to be imposed upon by their false pretences . 要是讓我對于自己稍稍關心的人給一點忠告的話,我就要千方百計地提醒他:千萬不要被那些人的虛假借口所蒙蔽。

The family depended on his ability to wangle a few dollars occasionally. with this money , they would eat well and dress well for a while , making a pretence of affluence . 一家人全靠他在外面訛個錢,詐個財,吃點好的,穿點好的,裝門面。

The next two days he kept his lodgings, under pretence of indisposition, and took leave, by writing, of his noble friend, the high commissioner . 在以后的兩天中他借口身體不適,閉戶不出,同時寫了封信向他高貴的朋友,那位高級專員,告辭。

It was rather absurd, and somehow sinister, to see this social pretence in those poverty-stricken surroundings on a borneo river . 在婆羅洲的一條河上,周圍一片窮困潦倒的景象,還裝模作樣的擺譜,真有點不倫不類,簡直可以說是荒誕離奇了。