
presumption n.1.推測,猜測,臆斷,假定;設想,想像。2.專橫,自...


Choice of value and regulation of idea about doctrine of the presumption of innocence 無罪推定原則的價值選擇與理念調適

The other three knights hurtled forward in outrage at her presumption 其他三個騎士看到她的暴行,怒不可扼地圍了上來。

Breif anaysis of the implication and application of the presumption of innocence principle 淺析無罪推定的內涵及適用

On presumption of innocence and allotting the burden of proof in criminal proceeding 論無罪推定與刑事證明責任的分配

I have been cured of the presumption of thinking otherwise 我本來不是那樣想的,但是原來的想法已經被徹底改變了。 ”

On the role of presumption of innocence in prevention of the miscarriage cases 論無罪推定原則在錯案預防中的作用

Your presumption that i would want to share a flat with you is false 你認為我會和你同住一套公寓,那就錯了。

On the principle of the presumption of innocence in china ' s criminal lawsuits 論我國刑事訴訟中的無罪推定原則

The principle of innocent presumption ' s puzzledom situation and perfection 無罪推定原則在我國的困境及其完善

The investigating procedure in accordance with presumption of innocence 無罪推定原則滲透下偵查程序之架構

The same presumption of innocence goes for copyright and privacy 版權和隱私問題同樣可獲得無罪的推定。

The same presumption of innocence goes for copyright and privacy 同樣的無罪推定適用于版權和隱私領域。

Embodiment of presumption of innocence in criminal procedure of china 無罪推定在我國刑事訴訟中的體現

On the presumption about scope of administrative litigation in china 完善我國行政訴訟受案范圍的設想

On the principle of presumption of innocence 論無罪推定原則

Let my presumption not provoke thy wrath ( shakespeare 希望我的揣測不會激起你的怒氣(莎士比亞) 。

Your presumption that i would agree with your plan is false 你假設我會同意你的計劃,那是錯的。

The criminal presumption and the defense liability of the defendant 刑事推定與被告人的抗辯責任

Differentiation and correction of the principle of presumption of innocence 無罪推定原則之辨正