
prestigious adj.1.〔古語〕魔術的,欺騙的。2.有威信的,有聲譽...


The contest was held on saturday in the prestigious cafe royal in central london 比賽于周六19日在倫敦市中心著名的皇家咖啡館舉行。

Prestigious award for cuhk scholar professor dennis lo bestowed the cheung kong achievement award 中文大學盧煜明教授獲長江學者成就獎

First italian player to have won the prestigious ballon d or in gianni rivera 米蘭擁有首位贏得金球獎的意大利球員? ?吉安尼里維拉。

The results of their study were published this week in the prestigious journal nature 負有盛名的自然雜志本周報道了他們的研究成果。

Experiment result : we found that even the more prestigious brands were just as deadly 實驗結果說明:名牌煙與普通煙有同樣的毒害性。

Hong kong hosted the prestigious fortune global forum in may 國際知名的《財富》全球論壇五月在香港舉行,香港擔當了東道主的角色。

Union ( itu ) , has confirmed its prestigious exhibition and forum at the hong 由國際電信聯盟主辦的國際電信聯盟2000年亞洲電信展

This prestigious social event will definitely turn the hkcec to the hottest place in town 會展中心定必成為全城熱點,盛況空前。

Hong kong hosted the prestigious fortune global forum in may 國際知名的財富全球論壇五月在香港舉行,香港擔當了東道主的角色。

Awarded the prestigious akutagawa prize for the novel , taiyo no kisetsu the season of the sun 小說太陽的季節榮獲第34屆芥川獎

This prestigious event proved to be one of the best lci conventions ever 這個年會被譽為國際獅子會年會歷來最成功的其中一屆。

This prestigious stamp sheetlet features the monkey and rooster stamps of the lny series 十二生肖金銀郵票小型張靈猴金雞

Cdc software wins prestigious awards from some of china s most influential it portal websites 中華網軟件獲中國權威網站嘉獎

In 1981 murdoch bought the failing but prestigious london times 1981年,默多克買下了經營失敗但卻久負盛名的《倫敦時報》 。

If you expect to enter this prestigious university , you should apply now 如果期望進入這所著名學府,你現在就應該申請了。

The world s oldest , largest , and most prestigious programming contest .了解世界上歷史最悠久、最大和最有聲望的編程競賽

Along with chapelgate , it is one of the most prestigious districts of anvil 于禮拜堂區皆為該市最具權勢和影響力的區域。

J : isn ' t ginza the most prestigious , expensive shopping district in japan 銀座…不是在日本享有聲望又很貴的購物區域嗎?

It ' s only the most prestigious award given out at the all - star banquet 那是在全明星宴會上頒發的唯一的最具盛名的獎項