presidium n.(pl. presidia ) 主席團;常務委員會。
n. (pl. presidia ) 主席團;常務委員會。 “presidium of the congress“ 中文翻譯: 代表大會主席團“presidium of the diet“ 中文翻譯: 議會主席團“the npc presidium“ 中文翻譯: 全國人大主席團; 全國人民代表大會主席團“candidate member of the presidium“ 中文翻譯: 主席團候補團員“chairman of the presidium of assembly“ 中文翻譯: 議會主席團主席“list of the members of the presidium“ 中文翻譯: 主席團名單“member of the presidium of assembly“ 中文翻譯: 議會主席團委員“presidium of the revolutionary council“ 中文翻譯: 革命委員會主席團“presidium of the supreme soviet“ 中文翻譯: 蘇聯最高蘇維埃主席團“presidio oil co“ 中文翻譯: 普雷西迪奧石油公司“presidio of san francisco“ 中文翻譯: 舊金山要塞“presidio del norte“ 中文翻譯: 奧希納加“presidio de san nicolas“ 中文翻譯: 圣尼古拉斯要塞“presidum“ 中文翻譯: 共產黨國家政府常務委員會“presidio county, texas“ 中文翻譯: 普雷西迪 (德克斯州); 普雷西迪奧縣
presignify |
Article 13 a delegation , or delegates of at least 30 people acting jointly , may introduce a bill to the national people ' s congress , and the presidium shall decide whether to put such bill onto the agenda of the current session , or whether to refer such bill to the relevant special committee for deliberation , and such special committee shall make a recommendation as to whether such bill shall be put onto the agenda of the current session , whereupon the presidium shall decide whether to do so 第十三條一個代表團或者三十名以上的代表聯名,可以向全國人民代表大會提出法律案,由主席團決定是否列入會議議程,或者先交有關的專門委員會審議、提出是否列入會議議程的意見,再決定是否列入會議議程。 |
Article 20 if before a bill which has been put on the agenda of the current session of the national people ' s congress is brought to a vote , its sponsor requests for its withdrawal , the bill sponsor shall explain the reason for the withdrawal , and subject to consent by the presidium , a report shall be made to the plenary session , whereupon deliberation on the bill shall terminate 第二十條列入全國人民代表大會會議議程的法律案,在交付表決前,提案人要求撤回的,應當說明理由,經主席團同意,并向大會報告,對該法律案的審議即行終止。 |
Article 18 for a bill which has been put on the agenda of the current session of the national people ' s congress , after gathering the deliberation opinions delivered by the delegations and the relevant special committee , the legislative committee shall conduct a uniform deliberation , and afterwards shall deliver to the presidium a deliberation report and the amended draft law , and the deliberation report shall contain explanations of the major differences of opinions , and after the presidium has deliberated and passed the deliberation report and the amended draft law , they shall be printed and circulated to the delegates attending the session 第十八條列入全國人民代表大會會議議程的法律案,由法律委員會根據各代表團和有關的專門委員會的審議意見,對法律案進行統一審議,向主席團提出審議結果報告和法律草案修改稿,對重要的不同意見應當在審議結果報告中予以說明,經主席團會議審議通過后,印發會議。 |
According to paragraph 3 of article 33 of the internal regulation no . 2 / 2005 “ general system of sub - organizations ” , the presidium of general assembly is now giving public consultation to all members about the application of establishing history and culture society of university of macau students ' union ( hcsumsu ) 會員大會主席團根據第2 / 2005號內部規章《附屬組織一般制度》第三十三條第三款之規定,就向本會申請成立澳門大學學生會歷史文化學會一事向所有會員公開諮詢。 |
Article 19 for a bill which has been put on the agenda of the current session of the national people ' s congress , where necessary , the executive chairman of the presidium may call a session of the delegation leaders to hear the deliberation opinions of the various delegations on major matters covered by the bill and conduct discussions , and shall report to the presidium the status of the discussion and the opinions expressed 第十九條列入全國人民代表大會會議議程的法律案,必要時,主席團常務主席可以召開各代表團團長會議,就法律案中的重大問題聽取各代表團的審議意見,進行討論,并將討論的情況和意見向主席團報告。 |
Article 22 after deliberation by the delegations , the amended draft law shall be further amended by the legislative committee based on the deliberating opinions of the delegations , and the legislative committee shall present a voting version of the draft law to be submitted by the presidium to the plenary session for voting , and such version shall be adopted if it receives affirmative votes from more than half of all delegates 第二十二條法律草案修改稿經各代表團審議,由法律委員會根據各代表團的審議意見進行修改,提出法律草案表決稿,由主席團提請大會全體會議表決,由全體代表的過半數通過。 |
Article 50 where a bill introduced to the national people ' s congress and its standing committee has been voted on by the plenary session and fails to pass , if the bill sponsor deems it necessary to enact such legislation , he may re - introduce it in accordance with legally prescribed procedures , and the presidium or the chairman ' s committee shall decide whether it shall be put on the agenda ; specifically , if a bill fails to be adopted by the national people ' s congress , it shall be re - introduced to the national people ' s congress for deliberation and decision 第五十條交付全國人民代表大會及其常務委員會全體會議表決未獲得通過的法律案,如果提案人認為必須制定該法律,可以按照法律規定的程序重新提出,由主席團、委員長會議決定是否列入會議議程;其中,未獲得全國人民代表大會通過的法律案,應當提請全國人民代表大會審議決定。 |
Article 21 where in the course of deliberating a bill , major issues are encountered , upon motion brought by the presidium and decided upon by the plenary session , the standing committee may be authorized to conduction further deliberation based on the opinions of the delegates , and the standing committee shall report its decision to the next session of the national people ' s congress ; the standing committee may also be authorized to conduct further deliberation and prepare an amendment plan , to be submitted to the next session of the national people ' s congress for deliberation and decision 第二十一條法律案在審議中有重大問題需要進一步研究的,經主席團提出,由大會全體會議決定,可以授權常務委員會根據代表的意見進一步審議,作出決定,并將決定情況向全國人民代表大會下次會議報告;也可以授權常務委員會根據代表的意見進一步審議,提出修改方案,提請全國人民代表大會下次會議審議決定。 |
Article 74 no deputy to the national people ' s congress may be arrested or placed on criminal trial without the consent of the presidium of the current session of the national people ' s congress or , when the national people ' s congress is not in session , without the consent of its standing committee 第七十四條全國人民代表大會代表,非經全國人民代表大會會議主席團許可,在全國人民代表大會閉會期間非經全國人民代表大會常務委員會許可,不受逮捕或者刑事審判。 |
Suggestions , criticisms and complaints on any aspect of work put forward by deputies to the people ' s congress of a township , nationality township , or town to that people ' s congress shall be referred by its presidium to the departments and organizations concerned for consideration , disposition and reply 鄉、民族鄉、鎮人民代表大會代表向本級人民代表大會提出的對各方面工作的建議、批評和意見,由本級人民代表大會主席團交有關機關和組織研究處理并負責答復。 |
No deputy to the national people s congress may be arrested or placed on criminal trial without the consent of the presidium of the current session of the national people s congress or , when the national people s congress is not in session , without the consent of its standing committee 第七十四條全國人民代表大會代表,非經全國人民代表大會會議主席團許可,在全國人民代表大會閉會期間非經全國人民代表大會常務委員會許可,不受逮捕或者刑事審判。 |
According to paragraph 3 of article 33 of the internal regulation no . 2 / 2005 “ general system of sub - organizations ” , the presidium of general assembly is now giving public consultation to all members about the application of establishing board game society of umsu ( bgsmsu ) 會員大會主席團根據第2 / 2005號內部規章《附屬組織一般制度》第三十三條第三款之規定,就向本會申請成立澳門大學學生會棋藝會一事向所有會員公開諮詢。 |
According to paragraph 3 of article 33 of the internal regulation no . 2 / 2005 “ general system of sub - organizations ” , the presidium of general assembly is now giving public consultation to all members about the application of establishing amy club of umsu ( acumsu ) 會員大會主席團根據第2 / 2005號內部規章《附屬組織一般制度》第三十三條第三款之規定,就向本會申請成立澳門大學學生會女生會一事向所有會員公開諮詢。 |
The executive chairman of the presidium may also call a session of the relevant delegates elected by various delegations to discuss major special issues involved in the bill , and shall report to the presidium the status of the discussion and the opinions expressed 主席團常務主席也可以就法律案中的重大的專門性問題,召集代表團推選的有關代表進行討論,并將討論的情況和意見向主席團報告。 |
It was the first time that shandong university microsoft club had coorperated with bochuang club since it changed its presidium , and it was aimed to strengthen microsoft club ' s influence by utilizing the technology of software institute 這是新一屆微軟俱樂部主席團上任以來與搏創俱樂部的首次合作,旨在利用軟件學院的技術力量,擴大微軟俱樂部的影響力,實現強強聯合。 |
Its task is : the daily organization during the preparatory job that has plenary meeting jointly with concerned branch , meeting wu job and congress close a meeting works , conduction workers congress or presidium make the matter that handle 它的任務是:會同有關部門進行大會的籌備工作、會務工作以及大會閉會期間的日常組織工作,辦理職工代表大會或主席團交辦的事項。 |
With agreement of the presidium , deliberation shall be terminated on a bill or proposal placed on the agenda of a session , if the party that submitted the bill or proposal requests its withdrawal before it is referred to the congress for a vote 列入會議議程的議案,在交付大會表決前,提案人要求撤回的,經主席團同意,會議對該項議案的審議即行終止。 |
This was the first cooperation with bochuang club of shandong university microsoft club since it changed its presidium , which was aimed to strengthen club ' s influence by utilizing the technology of software institute 這是新一屆微軟俱樂部主席團上任以來與搏創俱樂部的首次合作,旨在利用軟件學院的技術力量,擴大微軟俱樂部的影響力,實現強強聯合。 |
Article 69 a local decree enacted by the people ' s congress of a province , autonomous region , or municipality directly under the central government shall be promulgated by the presidium of the current session by way of a public announcement 第六十九條省、自治區、直轄市的人民代表大會制定的地方性法規由大會主席團發布公告予以公布。 |