
preserver n.1.保存者;保持者;保護者。2.防腐物;防護物。3....


That of falling into the hands of cannibals , and savages , who would have seiz d on me with the same view , as i did of a goat , or a turtle ; and have thought it no more a crime to kill and devour me , than i did of a pidgeon , or a curlieu : i would unjustly slander my self , if i should say i was not sincerely thankful to my great preserver , to whose singular protection i acknowledg d , with great humility , that all these unknown deliverances were due ; and without which , i must inevitably have fallen into their merciless hands 如果落到他們手里,他們就會把我馬上抓起來,就像我抓只山羊或海鱉一樣。同時,在他們看來,把我殺死吃掉,也不是什么犯罪行為,就像把一只鴿子或鷸殺了吃掉在我看來也不是什么犯罪行為一樣。我衷心感激我的偉大的救世主,如果我不承認我的感激之情,那我就不誠實了。

Luigi vampa comes to take us , and we take him - we bring him back to rome , and present him to his holiness the pope , who asks how he can repay so great a service ; then we merely ask for a carriage and a pair of horses , and we see the carnival in the carriage , and doubtless the roman people will crown us at the capitol , and proclaim us , like curtius and the veiled horatius , the preservers of their country . “ whilst albert proposed this scheme , signor pastrini s face assumed an expression impossible to describe 羅吉萬帕來捉我們的時候,我們就捉住他,把他帶回羅馬城里,晉獻給教皇陛下,教皇看到我們干了這么件大好事,就會問他怎樣才能報答我們,而我們卻說只要一輛轎車,兩匹馬,于是我們就可以坐在馬車里看狂歡節了,而羅馬老百姓一定會擁我們到朱庇特神殿去給我們加冠,表揚我們一番,象對待衛國英雄庫提斯和柯克萊斯一樣。 ”

Kalki - in hindu traditions , kalki ( also rendered by some as kalkin and kalaki ) is the name of the tenth and final maha avatara ( great avatar ) of vishnu the preserver , who will come to end the current kali yuga , ( the age of darkness and destruction ) 卡爾基? ?在印度教傳統,卡爾基(也被稱為卡爾金和卡拉基)是保護神毗瑟奴的第十和最后偉大化身的名字,在當前的卡利年代(黑暗和破壞的年代)終結的時候會來臨。

Let h be an infinite dimensional complex hilbert space , b ( h ] the banach algebra of all bounded linear operators on h , and s ( h ) the space of all symmetric operators on h . let l be a real linear , weakly continuous rank one preserver of s ( h ) 設h是無限維復的hilbert空間, b ( h )為h上的有界線性算子全體組成的banach代數, s ( h )為h上的對稱算子全體

I am also a nature preserver myself , and all our practitioners are not allowed to cut trees unnecessarily . but if necessary , we cut them - in order to build in that space some better institution for other people 我自己也是自然的保護者,我也不允許我們所有的同修濫砍樹木,但是如果必要的話,我們會砍一些樹來蓋房子,這樣可以有更好的建筑讓人們使用。

Within the body , supreme to the individual consciousness ; an indwelling observer ; a sanctioner , a preserver , an enjoyer and indeed ultimate controller as well is described as the ultimate consciousness 在肉體之內,高于個體意識(知覺)的就被描述成是根本意識(覺知) ,他是內存于心中的觀察者,制約者,保護者,享受者,以及真正的根本控制者。

Without division that ultimate truth appears to be divided among all the various living entities and is to be known as the preserver of all living entities and the destroyer as well as the creator 不需要分割,那個絕對真理卻分布遍及所有的各種各樣的生物體,被認為是所有生物體的保護者,毀滅者和創造者。

“ linear preserver problems “ is a both old and young project . it has more than one hundred years old . by now , it is quite active and more new researches emerge in this area “線性保持問題”是一個既古老而又年輕的課題,這一課題已有一百多年的歷史,至今仍十分活躍而且不斷涌現出大量新的研究結果。

When the digitalization tide surged over all fields in the late 20th century , dunhuang preservers ran the fastest to begin research on large - scale computer storage and representation systems 當數字化浪潮涌進二十世紀末期的一切領域時,保護敦煌的人們捷足先登,開始了大規模計算機存儲與再現系統的研究。

H . rumbold , master barber in a bloodcoloured jerk in and tanner s apron , a rope coiled over his shoulder mounts the block . a life preserver and a nailstudded bludgeon are stuck in his belt 高級理發師霍朗博爾德167穿著血紅色緊身皮背心,系著揉皮工人的圍裙,肩上扛著盤成一圈的繩子,爬上絞刑架。

In chapter 6 , we pay our attention to additive rank one nilpotence preservers on b ( h ) . as application of this result , we characterise many additive perservers on b ( h ) 第六章我們研究了b ( h )上保一秩冪零算子的可加映射,作為應用我們還對許多可加保持映射進行了刻畫。

Linear preserver problem ( lpp for short ) concerns the characterization of linear operators on matrix spaces that leave certain functions , subsets , relations , etc . , invariant 線性保持問題(簡稱lpp )刻畫在矩陣空間上保持特定的函數,子集,關系等不變的線性算子

I am not suggesting at all that the only role of women in society is that of the mother , the pro - creator and preserver of children , or that of a wife , or a sister 在此,我不是說婦女在人類社會中的角色只是作為母親,生產及養育兒童,或作為妻子,或作為姊妹。

He glanced at ruth for reassurance , much in the same manner that a passenger , with sudden panic thought of possible shipwreck , will strive to locate the life preservers 他瞥了一眼露絲,想求得鎮靜,像個突然害怕船只沉沒而心慌意亂急于找救生衣的乘客。

A silky fiber obtained from the fruit of the silk - cotton tree and used for insulation and as padding in pillows , mattresses , and life preservers 木棉一種絹狀纖維,從木棉樹的果實中提取出來,用作隔音材料,也可用作枕頭,褥墊和救生用具中的墊料

Survival is key in the harsh lower depths of detroit , and for many the current emotional life preserver is hip hop 對底特律的中下階級市民來說,他們每天都必須面對生存下去的殘酷現實,而他們發泄情緒最好的方法就是透過饒舌歌。

Why does print file use polypropylene and not polyethylene for their print preservers , slide preservers , and album pages 為什么保圖(品牌)使用聚丙烯卻不使用聚乙烯做為相片保護材料,幻燈片保護材料,和唱片保護材料?

We undertake a further investigation of rank one preserver problems studied by jeremy , bell , a . r . sourour , marcus and moyls etc 這項工作是在jeremy與bell , a . r . sourour與marcusmoyls等人的研究基礎上進行的。

Be a treasure to the poor , and admonisher to the rich , an answer of the cry of the needy , a preserver of the sanctity of thy pledge 作窮人的財富,富人的忠告,貧窮者呼叫的應答,自己神圣諾言的捍衛者。