
preserve vt.1.保存,保藏,防腐;保管(貴重品等);保留。2....


Foresight had preserved the guns of the previous war for use against u-boats . 遠大的預見使上次大戰中用來對付潛艇的大炮被保存了下來。

One of the purposes for the development of writing was to preserve human communication . 文字發展的目的之一,就是保存人類的信息。

Man invented writing to spatialize , i.e. preserve language . 人類發明了文字,才能給予語言以形態,也就是說,才能把語言保存下來。

This head must have been found in classical times and carefully preserved . 這頭顱大概是古羅馬時代被發現而且小心地保存了起來。

Let us be thankful that you are preserved from a state of such insensibility . 讓我們謝天謝地,你頭腦還沒有不清楚到這種地步。

On a shelf nearby is coffee, already packed cans to preserve its flavor . 附近一個架子上有咖啡,為了保持香味,是用罐子裝的。

In the summer , large crops of fruit may be preserved by freezing or bottling . 夏天收獲的大量水果可冷藏或裝瓶裝罐加以保存。

Preserve grading in these areas to protect grass seed mixtures planted in the exposed region . 保護種植在開闊地的綠化地帶。

The facies of a modern beach is probably seldom preserved in the geological record . 現代海灘的相很少在地質記錄上保存下來。

To preserve an unbroken domesticity was essential to his peace of mind . 維護一個完整的家庭生活對于保持他心境安寧尤為重要。

One common way of preserving fruit is to cook it with sugar, so making jam . 保存水果的一個普通方法是把水果用糖煮成果醬。

Soames preserved a perfect muteness, busy with far-away thoughts . 索米斯一直都保持著十足的沉默,心里充滿了遼遠的思緒。

The archaean and katarchaean units are preserved mainly as relic masses . 太古界與遠太古界主要作為殘余體保存下來。

By tradition, the hebrew scriptures were usually preserved on leather rolls . 據傳希伯來經典是寫在皮革卷上的。

To preserve the same twist, the torque should also be the same . 為保持相當的扭轉,扭矩也應該具有相同的比例。

They had been preserved because they inhabited a place apart . 他們之能生存是因為他們所居住之地與他處不同。

Yes , i do , but i prefer preserved fruit to fresh fruit . 是的,我喜歡,但是我喜歡蜜餞水果勝過新鮮水果。

She regards negotiating prices with customers as her special preserve . 她把與顧客討價還價看作自己的專長。

Those variants will be preserved in the “struggle for existence“ . 這些變異將在“生存競爭”中被保留下來。