presently adv.1.不久,一會兒。2.〔方言〕〔美國〕現在,目前...
adv. 1.不久,一會兒。 2.〔方言〕〔美國〕現在,目前,時下。 3.〔古語〕馬上,立刻;作為直接結果,必然地。 短語和例子They will be here presently. 他們馬上就到這里。 You will know all about it presently. 你不久就會了解事情的底細。 He is presently out of the country. 他現在出國了。 “this time; presently“ 中文翻譯: 斯時“presently the rain let up“ 中文翻譯: 俄頃雨止“俄而日出presently“ 中文翻譯: the sun emerged“presently tom checked his whistle“ 中文翻譯: 湯姆停止了吹口哨“presentized printing plate“ 中文翻譯: 預制感光板“presentive“ 中文翻譯: adj. 【語法】(文字)直接表達概念的,直(接表)示的(opp. symbolic)。 “presentlyverysoon“ 中文翻譯: 俄而“presentingbank“ 中文翻譯: 示行”“presentment“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.陳述,敘述;呈示;【心理學】表象。 2.(戲劇的)上演,演出;呈現;展示(物);描寫;畫,肖像。 3.【商業】(支票、匯票等的)提出,交兌;出示。 4.〔罕用語〕贈送(物)。 5.【法律】陪審官的報告;【宗教】(主教來視察時教區委員的)陳訴。 “presenting treasure“ 中文翻譯: 老富頭獻寶“presentment for acceptance“ 中文翻譯: 提出承兌票據; 提請承兌“presenting symptom“ 中文翻譯: 主要癥狀, 主訴
presentment |
Presently the mole came tumbling into the room, evidently very pleased with himself . 忽然,鼴鼠蹦蹦跳跳地進來了,顯得很開心。 |
As we approached the coast, the skies cleared and presently became cloudless . 當我們飛近海岸時,天已開朗,傾刻之間萬里無云。 |
Presently the cracked bell tapped and a voice gave the order to “cast off. “ 隨后破鐘敲響了,有一個人的聲音發出了開船的命令。 |
Presently our counter-measures improved and caught up with the attack . 不久,我們的對抗措施有所改進,足以應付敵人的攻擊了。 |
Presently a dark object was seen in the river, bearing towards us . 不多一會兒,只見河上有個黑不溜秋的玩意兒在向我們漂來。 |
Pen presently tried to dispel the silence by making a great rattling and noise . 潘為了沖淡這種冷場,便嘻嘻哈哈大聲談笑。 |
The doctor was attending her; and presently he pronounced her fit as a fiddle . 醫生正給她診查,隨后就斷定她的健康良好。 |
Bensulide is the only presently registered herbicidal organophosphate . 只有地散磷是目前尚未正式鑒定的有機磷酸鹽除莠劑。 |
He was greatly troubled. presently he said, “let me see, mathilde. “ 他十分難受,接著說:“讓我想想看,瑪蒂爾德。” |
But presently it began to flag a trifle, and grow disjointed . 可是隨后他就有點兒泄氣,說著說著就上句不接下句了。 |
A man of application would presently lay a foundation for a family . 一個勤勉的人就能夠很快打下一個家庭的基礎。 |
The presently known particles are the ultimate building blocks of matter . 目前已知的粒子是物質的最終構件。 |
They walked about the abbey aisles, and presently sat down . 他們走到大教堂的走廊附近,并且很快就坐了下來。 |
Presently this thought occurred to me; how heedless i have been ! 不多一時,我心里就想:我也太心粗氣浮了! |
Presently he was connected with edmundson, a friend of his . 很快他就和他的一位朋友,埃德門森接通了電話。 |
Presently he demanded oriental prostrations from his friends . 不久他又命令他的朋友向他行東方式的跪拜禮。 |
Presently after, these two set forth and descended to the harbour . 不多一會兒,他們倆就動身下港口去了。 |
Presently a new and formidable danger threatened our life . 不久,一種新的可怕的危險又威脅著我們的生存。 |
Presently the soldiers regarded the air attacks with contempt . 不久以后,兵士們對空襲就不在乎了。 |