
present adj.1.在座的,出席的,在場的,到(場)的;現存的,...

present company

A wonderful opportunity suddenly presented itself . 突然有了個絕妙的機會。

The present law makes no provision for this . 現行的法律對此未作任何規定。

How do you read the present situation ? 你對當前的形勢怎樣看?

They defy accurate classification at present . 這使目前的正確分類有困難。

We do not want your present services . 我們不是要你現在就幫忙。

A few weeks later he presented himself again . 幾個星期以后,他又出現了。

Aerosols are present throughout the atmosphere . 氣溶膠存在于整個大氣層。

He had got wise to the present situation . 他明白了目前的處境。

His present whereabouts is unknown . 他現在下落不明(不知道在什么地方)。

The formation of nitroform is presented as follows . 生成硝仿的過程如下。

I can hardly receive him in the present case . 我還不能接納他。

He can cope with the present situation . 他能夠應付當前的局勢。

His words moved everyone present . 他的話使在場的人都受到感動。

They bribed him with costly presents . 他們用貴重的禮物賄賂他。

You will be asked to present yourself for interview . 將要求你到場面試。

Sensory nerve endings are present in the teat . 感覺神經末梢是在乳頭上。

A good majority of those present rose . 在場的很多人都站了起來。

Assessment centers do present some problems . 評鑒中心的確存在一些問題。

The present day gloomily dawned . 目前這個新時代陰沉沉地來臨了。