
prescient adj.預知的,有先見之明的;有見識的 (of)。adv...


In order to realize the sustainable use of the water resources in yulin city , the paper puts forward some measures , including developing well irrigation project , applying rainfall collection technology , changing the techniques of industrial production , controlling water pollution strictly , and establishing supervisory and prescient system 提出了榆林市實現水資源可持續開發利用的途徑為:發展井灌、實施集雨工程技術、改變工業生產方式、嚴格控制水污染以及建立監測和預警體系等。

Heaven , earth , people and god are of one body , since ancient till now , from the king to the rich merchant , they have never understood how to use the ying zhai fengshui to improve the family luck , if you have missed the eight characters blessing , please do not miss the final checkpoint of changing your luck , the good opportunity lies in your hands , you should use the prescient manner to view life 天、地、人、神是為一體,以古至今,從帝王到富商無不懂得應用陰宅風水來推動家族的運數,若您已錯過先天八字的照料,請你不要錯失改運的最后關卡,成事在天,掌握在人,以先知先覺的態度對待人生。

Mead was prescient when he recognized two decades ago that even if computing managed to continue along the path of moore ' s law ( which states that the number of transistors per square inch on integrated circuits doubles every 18 months ) , computers as we know them could not reach brainlike efficiency 具有先見之明的米德在20年前就知道,即使運算能力會根據摩爾定律(積體電路上每平方英寸內的電晶體數目,每18個月增加一倍)持續發展下去,我們所知道的電腦還是無法像人腦那樣有效率。

However , even the prescient tocqueville , who predicted 150 years ago that the united states and russia would emerge as two great contending world powers , could not have foreseen that the nation that potentially could decide the world balance of power in the last decades of the twentieth century , and that could become the most powerful nation on earth during the twenty - first century , would be china 然而,即使是一百五十年前曾預言過美國和俄國將成為互相爭奪的兩個世界大國的托克維爾,也未能預見到在二十世紀最后幾十年具有決定世界均勢潛力并能成為二十一世紀地球上最強大的國家將是中國。

In recent years , because of some change of academia in domestic and foreign architecture theory , accompanying the deep research to scene architecture theory and zoology architecture theory , more and more experts agree that there are scientific and prescient truths in china ancient geomantic omen 近年來,國內外建筑理論界學術氛圍發生變化,加上對景觀建筑學、生態建筑學的深刻研究,越來越多的專家學者認同中國古代風水理論中的科學性及預見性。

The two - term president , famous for championing the league of nations , the precursor organization to the united nations , used the occasion to deliver a wide - ranging speech , mostly centered on domestic policy . wilson s decision to appear in person was prescient 這位以倡導國際聯盟聯合國前身組織著稱的雙任總統利用這一機會發表了主要集中討論國內政策的議題廣泛的演說。威爾遜親自宣讀國情咨文的決定具有先見之明。

Nineteenth - century english social scientist herbert spencer made this prescient observation : “ those who cavalierly reject the theory of evolution , as not adequately supported by facts , seem quite to forget that their own theory is supported by no facts at all 19世紀英國社會科學家史賓塞早有先見之明:那些目空一切地否定演化論、認為它沒有足夠事實支持的人,似乎忘了他們自己的理論才是毫無事實根據的。

By means of the trend prediction analyses with the neural network based expert system and the artificial intelligent prescient maintenance system , automatic online judging and fault forecasting to the conditions of the waterflooding power package can be attained 系統采用基于神經網絡的專家系統進行趨勢預測分析及人工智能預知維護系統進行判別決策的方法,實現了對注水機組狀態的自動在線判斷和故障預報。

The prescient maintenance based on state monitoring of the rotary machine is paid a lot of attention by factories in and out of the country nowadays , in the meantime , visualization of faults , being characterized of its visibility , is pursued in many fields 當前,以旋轉機械狀態監測為基礎的預知維修日益受到國內外企業的推崇,同時可視化以其直觀而形象的特點成為許多領域競相追逐的的一個目標。

In any event , it has not escaped the attention of this author that it is no more dangerous to exercise a little imagination about future than it is dangerous to fail to prescient about possible surprises , such as human cloning 他是這么翻譯的:無論如何本作者并非沒有注意到,對將來敢于做點大膽想象并沒有什么大危險,這正如沒有預料到可能發生克隆人這種意外的事沒什么大危險一樣。

For history records , mr . president , that through often turbulent times , you have been a prescient and persistent advocate for building a clear - eyed , constructive relationship with china , for not being afraid to move forward 讓歷史記住,總統先生,你曾在那些常常是動蕩不安的年代里,富有遠見卓識,堅持不懈地提倡同中國建立一種清醒的、有建設性的關系,不害怕向前推進。

The work of developing computerized automatic monitoring and diagnosis system has very huge practical value because it is an important measure of realizing prescient servicing and managing facilities dynamically in enterprise 開發計算機狀態監測與故障診斷系統,是實現設備預知維修的一個重要舉措,也是實現現代企業設備動態管理的一條重要途徑,具有很高的實用價值。

It is prescient and factitious activity the risk with the inherent or potential existence in each domains , and the floorboard of all sorts of means methods that eliminate these critical factor place to adopt and behavior 就是預知人為活動各個領域里存在固有或潛在的危險,以及消除這些危險因素所采取的各種方式方法和行為的總稱。

His final chapter , set in the apocalyptic wilderness of the camorra ' s smouldering waste dumps , is inspired ? and prescient , as the garbage crisis in naples unfolds 本書的最后篇章被布置在“克莫拉”濃煙滾滾的垃圾堆場并被預示成一片荒野,作者有此靈感并有此般先見之明,是隨著那不勒斯出現垃圾危機而與之俱來的。

Investors who have recently dumped asian shares may well kick themselves in a year ' s time . but then many of them are the same prescient investors who jumped into subprime mortgages 那些最近賣出亞洲股票的投資者在今后一年內可能會打自己的嘴巴。但是過去不也是這些有遠見卓識的投資人爭相進入那次級房貸中嗎。

Now that the president has belatedly followed his advice and the “ surge ” appears to be working , mr mccain looks both bold and prescient 盡管姍姍來遲,但現在總統已經接受了他的建議, “增兵”似乎正在起效, (這使)麥凱恩先生看起來既有遠見又有膽識。

Now that the president has belatedly followed his advice and the “ surge ” appears to be working , mr mccain looks both bold and prescient 既然總統后來(過晚地)實施了他的建議,而且“增兵”似乎有了效果,麥凱恩先生看來是既大膽又有先見之明。

It is very prescient - - even though the corporations who use little children in their marketing hate it 這個說法很有預見性?盡管在市場營銷中使用小孩子的公司不喜歡這個字眼。

But then many of them are the same prescient investors who jumped into subprime mortgages 但是過去不也是這些有遠見卓識的投資人爭相進入那次級房貸中嗎。