
prescience n.預知,先見。


While most of what trelawney teaches seems to be just “ lucky guesswork and a spooky manner , “ as harry thinks ( gf13 ) , there are instances of actual prescience and prediction in the books 盡管特勞里妮教授的絕大部分都是些“僥幸的猜測和一些裝神弄鬼的花招” ,就像哈利所想的(火焰杯,第13章) ,但是書中還是有一些真正的先見和預言的例子。

For a man who claimed an “ ecstatic prescience of the glories beyond the grave ” , it was a fitting existence 對于一個自稱“醉心于預測生后榮耀”的人而言,他的死不愧為最好的注腳(這句的翻譯有待商榷) 。

My creator ' s notoriety came not just from his genius but also from his prescience 我的主人是一個科學天才和先知,但也因此而“惡名昭著” 。

Combat prescience . you gain a + 2 insight bonus on your attack roll 戰斗遠見:你的攻擊擲骰得到+ 2洞察加值。