
presbyterian adj.【宗教】1.〔p-〕長老制的。2.長老會的。短語...


John knox , a roman catholic priest who was converted to protestantism , established presbyterianism in scotland and the majority of presbyterians in england are scots or descendants of scots who have gone to live south of the border 羅馬天主教牧師約翰克勞斯轉向新教之后,確立了蘇格蘭的長老教,英國絕大多數長老教的主要成員是蘇格蘭人和遷移到南部交界地區的蘇格蘭人后裔。

This young girl kept a scrap - book when she was alive , and used to paste obituaries and accidents and cases of patient suffering in it out of the presbyterian observer , and write poetry after them out of her own head 這位年輕姑娘生前有一本剪貼簿,把長老會觀察報上的訃告,傷亡事故和某些人默默地忍受煎熬的事跡保留下來,還訴說自己的胸懷,寫下了詩篇。

The government of the church of scotland is presbyterian , that is , government by ministers and elders , all of whom are ordained to office . the monarch is normally represented at the general assembly by the lord high commissioner 英格蘭教的管理時長老制,也就是由教士和長老治理。他們被授予圣職,王室高級代表通常代表君主光臨會議。

In new york , “ people are canceling left and right because of what today represents , “ said liza washington , an administrative assistant at children ' s hospital of the new york - presbyterian medical center 紐約長老會醫療中心兒童醫院的行政助理莉莎華盛頓說,在紐約, “由于這個日子的特殊含義,人們都將6號左右的分娩計劃給取消了。 ”

Respondents were asked to mark one of the seven specified religions ( catholic , anglican , uniting church , presbyterian , greek orthodox , baptist , or lutheran ) or to specify a particular religion 受訪者被要求以紀念之一七個指定宗教(天主教,英國國教,團結教會,長老會,希臘東正教會,浸信會,路德會或)或指定一個特定的宗教。

Although few members of the village still practice in tsou traditional religion , most of people are active in catholic , presbyterian and real jesus beliefs which deeply influence community lives and values 居民除了部分信仰鄒族傳統宗教外,大部份都信仰天主教、基督教及真耶穌教,而宗教信仰也深深的影響部落居民的生活。

Tsochen has three churches over a century old ; the oldest , tsochen presbyterian church , was founded in 1869 . it still has the tradition of singing hymns to aboriginal tunes 現在平埔族后裔以信仰基督教居多,左鎮即有三座百年以上的教會,其中左鎮教會歷史可溯及一八六九年,尚保有平埔曲調的詩歌贊美傳統。

Kathleen scheide is the assistant professor of organ and music history at henderson state university and also is the organist & director at first presbyterian church , benton , arkansas 沙伊德爾為漢德森州立大學助理教授,教授管風琴和音樂史,也為阿肯色州本頓第一長老會教堂的管風琴手總監。

One of the great quotes i read this week while i was preparing this message was one by david wilkinson , the pastor of moorpark presbyterian church . he said , “ religions says , “ do “ 本周預備這篇信息時,我看到一句很有意思的話,是魏肯生說的他是moorpark長老會的牧師,他說:宗教說:做吧。

Researchers at new york ' s columbia presbyterian medical center have found that fetuses ' heart rates drop predictably when their mothers speak a simple phrase ( “ hello , baby “ ) 紐約哥倫比亞長老會醫學中心的研究人員發現當胎兒母親說簡單詞組( “嗨,寶貝“時,胎兒的心率按預料的一樣下降了。

The presbyterian answered , “ you know we presbyterians have a great theology , fabulous educational institutions , our pastors are the finest trained , and we have incredible music 因為我們有偉大的神學,有極好的教育機構,有受過最優良訓練的牧師,所以?會參加長老會。

Our portfolio includes : american hoescht chemical corp . , american united life insurance , texas presbyterian foundation , teachers insurance and annuity association , etc 投資案例包括:美國宏徹化學公司、美國生命保險、得克薩斯州長老會基地、教師保險和養老金協會等。

A presbyterian , or “ press , ” is made with ginger ale and club soda . it should be noted that in some areas , a press is made with lemon - lime soda and club soda 這款雞尾酒使用了姜汁和蘇打水兩種碳酸飲料,另外在有些地方,這種雞尾酒使用雪碧和蘇打水。

Sustained irish emigration began in the eighteenth century , as many thousands of ulster presbyterians and a lesser number of catholics departed for the new world 持續的愛爾蘭移民潮也始于18世紀,成千上萬的長老會教友和數量較少的基督徒前往新大陸。

Presbyterian , or “ press , ” is made with ginger ale and club soda . it should be noted that in some areas , a press is made with lemon - lime soda and club soda 這款雞尾酒使用了姜汁和蘇打水兩種碳酸飲料,另外在有些地方,這種雞尾酒使用雪碧和蘇打水。

Clinton , who had the operation thursday , was expected to spend three to 10 days in new york - presbyterian hospital / columbia university medical center 克林頓于上周四接受了手術,預計他要在紐約長老會醫院(哥倫比亞大學醫學中心)呆3到10天時間。

Director - general of the fallout , zheng fisheries for the accounting officers , all branches of the church from the presbyterian obligations 項微塵為總干事,鄭子漁為會計干事,各科教授則由教會諸長老義務擔任。

There are two established church in britain : in england the church of england and in scotland the ( presbyterian ) church of scotland 英國有兩大國教,在英格蘭是英格蘭國教,蘇格蘭是蘇格蘭教會(長老教) 。

Xi lin cumberland presbyterian church pastor rev . william yeung converted to jesus christ in billy graham crusade in 1975 金巴侖長老會禧臨堂堂主任楊建強牧師,在1975年的香港葛培理布道大會中信主。