
presbyter n.【宗教】1.(早期基督教的)地方教會監察者。2.(基...


The state administration of religious affairs , and to presbyter ji jianhong , the chairperson of the national committee of the three self patriotic movement , and revd cao shengjie , the president of the china christian council , for this invitation . 我要特別感謝國家宗教事務局局長葉小文先生、中國基督教三自愛國運動委員會主席季劍虹長老以及中國基督教協會會長曹圣潔牧師對我的邀請。 ”

Salvation was exemplified in the manichaen community , a hierarchy of two classes : the elect , who consisted of mani ' s successor , 12 apostles , 72 bishops , and 360 presbyters ; and the hearers 拯救在摩尼教社區內作為例證,社區是一個兩個級別組成的層次:被選上者,由摩尼的繼承者組成,有12位門徒, 72位主教和360位長老,還有聽眾。

The elder and sainted presbyters controlled the laws and rules of the village while the youngsters grew up , worked , lived and generated under the teaching of the elders 年長的,德高望重的長老們把握著村子里的法規,年輕人在長輩的教導下成長,勞作,生活,代代相傳。