
prepping n.〔美口〕運動前的練習。


Like many of the films the subject of our study produced or directed , this project grew bigger and bigger as we went along . that s partly because the material we gathered on tsui hark and his work was so plentiful and so interesting we were compelled to share it with our readers , not unlike the dilemma tsui often faces prepping for his films 徐克無論導演或監制的作品,都愈搞愈大,我們這個出版計劃也是,開了頭以后,才發覺搜集所得資料極之豐富,也很有趣味,教人愛不釋手,恨不得如徐克電影般把爆棚素材全都拿出來般公諸同好。

He notes that acc security forces , in any 12 - month period , are deployed to iraq for six months and prepping for the next deployment for two months ? eight months in all ? making it hard to meet acc ' s own needs 他指出空戰司令部安全部隊每12個月就要部署到伊拉克6個月并且還要為下一次的部署進行為期兩個月的練習? ?加在一起一共是8個月? ?這些任務與空戰司令部的需要幾乎毫無關聯。

The institution that officeholder prepping according to runs requires pay : ? of o of ticket of agitate of ? subcutaneous ulcer bears insurance ( individual need not pay ) , housing accumulation fund 比照公務員治理的事業單位需繳納的:基本醫療保險,生育保險(個人不用繳納) ,住房公積金

A slew of new pcs that recently hit the market are sizing down and jazzing up conventional design , prepping it for display in a more pleasing setting such as the den or the living room 最近面市的一系列新款pc不僅體積更小巧而且設計也更時尚,使其日益成為家庭電器產品中的一員。

By prepping the surface properly , with clay your paint cleaners , polishes and waxes will perform at a higher level 在做這之前,先用研磨泥進行清潔,然后拋光、打蠟,之后的效果會很好的。

There you are ! have you done all the major prepping for your big dance 原來你在這里。為這個盛大的舞會,你主要的準備都做好了嗎?

The russians are prepping a tactical air strike of sevogda 俄羅斯人正在準備一次對塞瓦郭答的戰術空襲

Me and the brothas stylz are prepping for their big debut 我和時髦兄弟正在準備他們的第一張大作

- what are we doing ? - i call this part prepping the oven -我們在干嗎? -我會把這叫做預熱烤爐

See , i assumed that you were prepping me 瞧,我知道你在給我熱身. .

What are we doing ? - i call this part prepping the oven 我們在干嗎? -我會把這叫做預熱烤爐

I ' ve got to start prepping for next term 我要開始為下學期做準備了

On the gail ; we ' re prepping her right now 好吧,我們正在做出海前的準備工作