preposterous adj.1.是非顛倒的,反常的,乖戾的;十分荒謬的,不合...
adj. 1.是非顛倒的,反常的,乖戾的;十分荒謬的,不合理的,可笑的;愚蠢的。 2.〔古語〕次序顛倒的。 短語和例子It is preposterous ! 豈有此理! -ly adv. “preposterous - commonsensical“ 中文翻譯: 矛盾不解的“little short of preposterous“ 中文翻譯: 近于荒唐“preposter“ 中文翻譯: n. 〔英國〕(某些公學 (public school) 的)班長,級長。 “preposterously“ 中文翻譯: 不合理地; 毫無道理地“prepost tensioning“ 中文翻譯: (預應力的)半后張法“prepostffy“ 中文翻譯: 普雷波什特菲“prepost“ 中文翻譯: 普雷波什特“prepostor“ 中文翻譯: n. =praepostor. “prepossession“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.預先形成的印象[信念];偏愛,袒護;偏見。 2.全神貫注;著迷。 3.〔古語〕先占,先領。 “preposttensioning“ 中文翻譯: 預應力的半后張法“prepossessing“ 中文翻譯: (個性等)給人好感的; 討人歡喜的; 有魅力的
prepostor |
But for me that was thus entered and established , and had nothing to do but go on as i had begun for three or four years more , and to have sent for the other hundred pound from england , and who in that time , and with that little addition , could scarce ha fail d of being worth three or four thousand pounds sterling , and that encreasing too ; for me to think of such a voyage , was the most preposterous thing that ever man in such circumstances could be guilty of 但我的情況卻完全不同。我已在巴西立足,只要把自己的種植園再經營兩三年,并把存放在英國的一百英鎊再匯來,那時,再加上那點小小的積蓄,不愁不掙出一個三四千英鎊的家當,而且還會不斷增加。處于我現在這種境況的人,再想去進行這次航行,那簡直就太荒唐了。 |
The prize was delivered to tom with as much effusion as the superintendent could pump up under the circumstances ; but it lacked somewhat of the true gush , for the poor fellow s instinct taught him that there was a mystery here that could not well bear the light , perhaps ; it was simply preposterous that this boy had warehoused two thousand sheaves of scriptural wisdom on his premises - a dozen would strain his capacity , without a doubt 可是從他話里聽出好像沒有多少是發自他內心的熱忱,因為這位可憐的人的本能告訴他,這里面也許潛藏著某種見不得人的秘密。這孩子腦子里真的能裝下兩千段圣書里的經文,真會讓人笑掉大牙因為毫無疑問,十幾段經文就夠他受的了。 |
In one limited sense , as we shall hereafter see , this may be true ; but it is preposterous to attribute to mere external conditions , the structure , for instance , of the woodpecker , with its feet , tail , beak , and tongue , so admirably adapted to catch insects under the bark of trees 從某一狹義來說,正如以后即將討論到的,這種說法可能是正確的;但是,譬如說,要把啄木鳥的構造、它的腳、尾、喙,如此令人贊嘆地適應于捉取樹皮下的昆蟲,也僅僅歸因于外界條件,則是十分荒謬的。 |
Over his career , his 35 broken bones made the guinness book of records ; his body rattled with pins and plates , and it seemed preposterous that he should have died in his bed , of pulmonary fibrosis 在克尼維爾的飛車生涯中,他最終能登上吉尼斯記錄是用他35根斷骨換來的;他的身上布滿了嘎嘎作響的別針與金屬板,而且有人說他本該因肺部纖維癥而死在自己的床上,這聽起來實在荒謬。 |
However , as a matter of fact though , the preposterous surmise about him being in some description of a doldrums or other or mesmerised , which was entirely due to a misconception of the shallowest character , was not the case at all 然而,說實在的,關于他268處于某種郁悶狀態或被施行了催眠術之類的荒謬臆測,純屬最淺薄之誤解,有悖于事實。 |
He saw before him an unhappy girl , knew the futility of attempting to convince her husband or her , and , though the whole situation was absurd and preposterous , he resolved to surrender 他看見了眼前這個傷心的姑娘,他明白要說服她和她的丈夫是不可能的。盡管事情整個兒地荒唐可笑,他仍然決定投降。 |
Up until 1928 , the idea of selling pre - sliced bread was preposterous . after all , the bread would quickly grow stale . then rohwedder came along 1928年以前,出售切片面包的想法聽起來很荒謬,畢竟,這樣的面包很快就會變味。就在這個時候,羅韋德爾出現了。 |
In china , i didn ' t have many chances to hear the gospel and even if i did , my parents would tell me it ' s just preposterous superstition 在中國的時候,我很少有機會聽到福音,而且就是聽到一點,家人也會對我說那只是一些荒誕無稽的迷信罷了。 |
Men should never think that they were born with the right to have an affair . this is a wrong , stupid and preposterous idea 至于作先生的人,不要以為男人天生就有這種沾染外緣的權利,這是錯誤、愚癡,也是最丑陋的觀念。 |
The remaining 96 % believe that the stereotype is rather preposterous and inconsistent with reality 剩下的96的人認為, “老婆像媽”這種要求在現實中顯得很荒謬,也不太可能實現。 |
This was a most preposterous method ; but the eagerness of my fancy prevail d , and to work i went “這是最荒謬的辦法。我真是思船心切,立即著手工作。 |
Any presumption that smoking is in anyway beneficial is totally preposterous 任何對抽煙不管怎樣是有好處益處的假設都是完全荒唐的。 |
It ' s preposterous 簡直是荒謬 |
This is preposterous 這太荒謬了 |
- say the controlling stake of globo gym . - that ' s preposterous . i ' d never allow it -比如說控股環球健身-別開玩笑了,我絕不同意 |
Say the controlling stake of globo gym . - that ' s preposterous . i ' d never allow it 比如說控股環球健身-別開玩笑了,我絕不同意 |
It was difficult to remain equanimous in the face of such preposterous impertinence 面對著述種荒謬無禮的行為,很難處之泰然。 |
Is absolutely preposterous , ' cause he ' s one of the poorest people we knew 這是絕對荒謬的因為我們都知道,他也是窮人之一 |
That ' s a preposterous idea 那是一種荒謬的想法! |