preponderate vi.1.數量上超過;重量超過;(天平)倒向一方。2.(...
vi. 1.數量上超過;重量超過;(天平)倒向一方。 2.(智力、權力等)超過,壓倒 (over)。 vt. 〔古語〕重過;壓倒。 “preponderate over“ 中文翻譯: 超過“preponderantregnant“ 中文翻譯: 優勢的“preponderating anode“ 中文翻譯: 主優陽極“preponderant evidence“ 中文翻譯: 優勢證據“prepontile“ 中文翻譯: 腦橋前的“preponderant commensurate“ 中文翻譯: 占有優勢的 相當的“prepontine“ 中文翻譯: 腦橋前的“preponderant age“ 中文翻譯: 主要年齡“preporche“ 中文翻譯: 普雷波爾謝“preponderant“ 中文翻譯: adj. (數量、重量、力量、影響、重要性上)占優勢的;壓倒的 (over)。 adv. -ly
preposessing |
Including five main doctrines and its limitation about the civil priority theoretically for the moment ; its five leading features are legal quality of priority , preference quality of priority , vouch quality of priority , hypotaxis quality of priority , impartibility quality of priority ; four situations which can perish the civil priority are preponderate over the time efficacity , naturally extinguished of priority ’ s objective , adhered creditor ’ s right died out , compelled alienation of priority ’ s objective ; enumerating the material provision on civil priority in our laws , and carrying through the brief conclude to the range of civil priority which combined some elements of common civil law 包括我國目前理論界對民事優先權概念的五種主要學說及其局限;民事優先權的五種主要特征即優先權的法定性、優先性、擔保性、從屬性和不可分性;民事優先權的消滅的四種情形即超過時效、優先權標的物自然滅失、依附的債權消滅、優先權標的物的強制轉讓;列舉了我國法律中有關民事優先權的具體規定,并結合一般民法原理對民事優先權的順位進行了簡要歸納。 |
At present , china ' s bank especially the state - owned bank ' s bad loan amount is very big , and its rate is preponderate over those where financial crisis happened . it seriously threaten the normal development of our country ' s economic and the stability of our society , and become a heavy burden of the national economy 目前,我國銀行、特別是國有銀行不良貸款居高不下,其比例甚至超過某些發生過金融危機國家銀行的比例,嚴重威脅著我國經濟的正常發展和整個社會的安全穩定,成為國家經濟的一個沉重包袱,因此化解不良貸款是中國經濟與金融體系非常重大的一個課題。 |
The absorption characteristics was that the surface plasma absorption peak appeared around 570 nm shifted to a short wavelength and strengthened as the cu composition increased . but the maximal shift range of the absorption - edge preponderated over 500 nm , and leaded that the dipolar plasma resonance absorption peak were covered up and gradually disappeared in the absorption spectrum . we theoretically explained the mechanism of the modulating action 實驗觀察到cu表面等離子體共振吸收峰位在570lun附近的吸收邊頻移量超過了500nln .理論分析表明,吸收峰位的移動主要源于偶極共振,而峰形的寬化主要由納米粒子的表面效應和量子尺寸效應引起 |
If sometimes our common parent has been a little partial , and not kept the scales quite even ; if one preponderates too much , we throw into the lighter a due counterpoise of vanity , which never fails to set all right 倘若大自然有時候有那么一點偏心,沒有將天平擺正;倘若有一頭過重,我們就會在輕的一頭投上一枚大小適當的虛榮的砝碼,它每次都會將天平重新調平,從不出差錯。 |
Electronic commerce is a kind of advanced business affairs , which recurs to modern information network . as an innovative economic mode , its influence has greatly preponderated over the domain of business 電子商務是利用現代信息網絡進行商務活動的一種先進手段,作為創新的經濟運行方式,其影響已經遠遠超過商業領域。 |
The curative effect in “ web - based hospital ” can preponderate over multitudinous conservative integrated hospitals 在治病功效上,一個“網絡醫院”就可以超過一萬座常規的綜合型的大醫院。 |
Ethnic chinese preponderate in the population of singapore 在新加坡的人口中,華人居多數。 |
Oaks and maples preponderate in our woods 在我們的森林中,橡樹與楓樹占多數。 |
The verdict of jury sufficiently shows how the evidence preponderated in their minds . 陪審員的裁決充分說明他們心里偏重于哪一方面的證據。 |