preponderant adj.(數量、重量、力量、影響、重要性上)占優勢的;壓...
adj. (數量、重量、力量、影響、重要性上)占優勢的;壓倒的 (over)。 adv. -ly “preponderant age“ 中文翻譯: 主要年齡“preponderant commensurate“ 中文翻譯: 占有優勢的 相當的“preponderant evidence“ 中文翻譯: 優勢證據“preponderancy“ 中文翻譯: n. (數量、重量、力量、影響、重要性上的)優勢;優越。 preponderancy of force at the crucial point 【軍事】集中優勢兵力于要害目標。 have the preponderancy over 比…占優勢。 “preponderance of yin“ 中文翻譯: 陰盛“preponderance of yang“ 中文翻譯: 陽盛“preponderantregnant“ 中文翻譯: 優勢的“preponderance of the evidence“ 中文翻譯: 絕大多數的證據,證據的優勢 絕大多數的證據,證據的優勢; 證據的優勢“preponderate“ 中文翻譯: vi. 1.數量上超過;重量超過;(天平)倒向一方。 2.(智力、權力等)超過,壓倒 (over)。 vt. 〔古語〕重過;壓倒。 “preponderance of proof“ 中文翻譯: 優勢證明
preponderate |
Our company locates over hangzhou bay ' s tinglin industrial area , jinshan district , shanghai , at the triangle economic zone core region , north continues the shanghai urban district , south meets jiaxing , hangzhou and ningbo , zhoushan will meet the hangzhou bay bridge . the transportation is convenient and the geographical position is preponderant and remarkable 公司選址在杭州灣畔的上海金山區亭林鎮,地處長三角經濟區的核心區域,北連上海市區,南接嘉興、杭州,與寧波、舟山將有杭州灣大橋相通,交通便捷,區位優勢十分顯著。 |
Takeing zoige wetland as a case , on the one hand , it needs to depend on the jiuzaigou nature reserve and huanglong scenic spot to get plentiful tourists , on the other hand , it urgently needs to integrity preponderant resources , exploit own special tourism items by put iotes into practice so that show itself characteristics and advantages and mutually promote with jiuzaigou nature reserve and huanglong scenic spot at last 以若爾蓋濕地為例,一方面它需要依托九寨溝和黃龍兩精品景區,并共享兩精品景區豐富的旅游客源;另一方面,它更需要按照一系列定位原則,通過形象導向型旅游地開發策略的實施,整合優勢資源,進行差異性和互補性開發,逐步凸顯自身的特色及優勢,把自身做強做大,并最終與九寨溝、黃龍等知名景區間實現聯動互促。 |
That is to say , effective measures must be taken in the basic competitiveness components , core competitiveness components and the improvement of tourism industry competitive environment to boost competitive power of shaanxi tourism . first , we should rely on the preponderant resource , insist on the market - oriented direction and strengthen the top - quality construction . second , we should strengthen the infrastructure construction , optimally allocate the industrial structure and construct good tourism environment 最后,提出了陜西省旅游競爭力的提升對策,即必須從基礎競爭力、核心競爭力以及改善旅游業競爭環境等各方面采取措施,進一步提高陜西旅游業的各項競爭力: ( 1 )依托優勢資源,堅持市場為導向,強化精品建設; ( 2 )加強基礎設施建設,優化產業結構,營造良好的旅游環境; ( 3 )加強市場開發力度,積極開展宣傳促銷活動; ( 4 )發揮政府主導作用,為旅游發展提供良好的政策支持; ( 5 )實施旅游科技教育創新,加強旅游人力資源開發。 |
In the qualitative , quantitative and directional way , successful factors , such as the superiority of marketing , the superiority of resource , the superiority of consumption , and the advantage of corporations supporting , etc , were described , and six important background factors , include of the increasing consumption , the competition from milk market , the challenge of joining into wto , the adjustment of industry structure , the winning against oneself , and accelerating development , were analyzed . new objects were put forward , that is , high quality , rationalizatio n of region distribution , having a core of brand , trade penetrating into various area , diversification of product exploitation , internationalization of preponderant product , and orientating function in market . development of tianjin milk industry should be based on materials and base , take resource integrating and market regulating as means , take trade infiltrating and product development as support , take specialization , industrialization , collectivization and internationalization as orientation , take the development of international milk corporation as mode , and take “ creating name brand , entering the first - ten corporation of milk industry “ as object 本文在廣泛調查研究的基礎上,圍繞天津奶業發展,全面客觀地評價了天津奶業發展現狀,采用定性、定位、定量和定向的方法,描述了天津奶業作為城郊型奶業在競爭中形成的市場優勢、資源優勢、消費優勢、龍頭企業依托優勢、外資企業進入優勢、奶類項目援助優勢等眾多成功因素,分析了天津奶業未來保持產業領先地位必須認真對待的消費需求增長、乳業市場競爭、迎接入世挑戰、產業結構調整、克服自身劣勢、促進跨越發展的六大背景因素,提出了天津奶業新一輪發展瞄準優質生產無抗化、區域布局合理化、品牌整合核心化、行業滲透多角化、產品開發多樣化、高點對接國際化、市場避強導向化的目標定位和以原料、基地為基礎、以資源整合和市場調整為手段、以行業滲透和產品開發為支撐、以專業化、產業化、集團化、規模化、國際化的發展道路為方向,以國際乳品企業的發展為模式,以“創造一流品牌、跨入乳業十強”為目標的天津奶業發展思路,以及天津奶業二十一世紀前十年和前二十年兩大階段奶牛養殖的五大奮斗目標和區域布局原則,最后有針對性地提出飼養模式選擇、全流程安全生產、產業化龍頭培育、學生飲用奶推廣、政策扶持等促進天津奶業成長的對策措施。 |
Today is an era of economical and informational globalization . china has already entered into wto , chinese enterprises are facing huge challenges . in order to survive and develop , and acquire preponderant status in international competitions , enterprises should try their best to cultivate their core competition ability 在當今全球信息化、經濟一體化的時代,中國已加入wto ,中國企業面臨著巨大的挑戰,要想生存和發展,要想在國際競爭中處于優勢地位,必須大力加強核心競爭力的研究和培育,增強競爭力。 |
Based on their choice , this paper analyzed the advantages about specialization and diversification , and then made a suggestion . the specialization and diversification , are only one kind of enterprise ' s management strategies . none of them is preponderant 接著,基于專業化與多元化經營戰略的選擇,本文分析了專業化與多元化經營戰略的利弊,在此基礎上提出:專業化抑或多元化,都只是企業的一種經營戰略,本身并無優劣之分,關鍵在于企業的內部條件和所處的外部環境。 |
To keep development following its own way , which will lead to characteristic and preponderant subjective construction and talent cultivation , is the main problem people of academy of traditional chinese medicine ( tcm ) should consider and answer seriously at the beginning of the “ eleventh five - year program “ 摘要中醫院校如何遵循中醫藥學自身的發展規律,使其學科建設、人才培養更具特色、更顯優勢,是“十一?五”之初所有業內人士需要認真反思并積極應對的問題。 |
Along with the deepen and impetuosity of marketing competition , the preponderant business has put its key from “ first profit source “ - saving raw materials and “ second profit source “ - improving labor productivity to “ third profit source “ - building a high effective logistic system 隨著市場競爭的不斷深化和加劇,企業建立競爭優勢的關鍵已由節約原材料的“第一利潤源泉”和提高勞動生產率的“第二利潤源泉” ,轉向建立高效的物流系統的“第三利潤源泉” 。 |
Its preexistence is bei yang university which is founded in 1895 , now it is become a modern university after the endeavor of several generations . it has good reputation around the global due to its abundant capital , preponderant knowledge , good education quality , and high scientific research 經過幾代人的不懈努力,天津大學現已成為一所師資力量雄厚,學科優勢明顯,教育質量和科研水平較高,居于國內一流水平,在國際上有較大影響的現代化大學。 |
The ordination graph of preponderant species in the plant communities is very similar with the ordination graph of plant community types . and the distribution of preponderant species in the plant communities determines the distribution pattern of plant communities types to great degree 植物群落中優勢種的dca排序格局圖與植物群落類型的排序圖有很大的相似性,而且植物群落中優勢種的分布在很大程度上決定著植物群落類型的分布格局。 |
According to the new classification system , the analytic hierarchy process is used to evaluate quantitatively the attribute types , the preponderant resources and the grade conditions of the ecotourism resources which belong to 245 tourism resource units in the county of ningwu 根據新的生態旅游資源分類分級系統,運用層次分析方法對寧武縣生態旅游資源( 245個旅游資源單體)的屬性類型、優勢資源的賦存和等級情況進行了定量評價。 |
At last , i think the preponderant culture always influence on other culture ' s developmental direction . the communion and spread between same style cultures can hold together and strengthen this cultural system . but in different type culture they will bring change on cultural pattern 又由于年代的不同、具有相對優勢文化和主流文化的影響范圍、程度不盡相同,因而,移民文化的認同也處于一種相對動態的、變化發展的過程中。 |
The unary code is applied in the binarization of the translation coefficients in the national standard avs . it is preponderant for the small values , but will bring more redundancy for the bigger ones . so the exp - golomb code is introduced for the redundancy reduction 在avs標準中,變換系數level值的二值化方案采用了unary碼, unary碼對較小的整數值二值化效果較好,但對較大的值則會造成很大的冗余,從而影響了cabac的編碼效率。 |
Having integrated urban roads and municipal facilities , the traffic is unimpeded and convenient , and the greenbelt is verdant , having preponderant geographic position and favorable natural environment . having wide development potential , ideal for investment , management , and real estate 城市道路和市政設施配套完善,交通暢達便利,綠地蔥郁,地理位置和自然環境優越,發展前景十分廣闊,是理想的投資經營置業之區域。 |
Aluminum electrolytic capacitors have excellent properties such as huge capacitance , high working voltage and preponderant price . now they have been in the most demand in all kinds of electrolytic capacitors and widely applied in many systems of electronic machines 鋁電解電容器具有容量大、工作電壓高、價格低廉等優點,是各類電容器產品中需求量最大的一種,被廣泛地應用于各種電子整機系統中。 |
Water chestnut is a preponderant and characteristic industry of plant production in hezhou prefecture of guangxi autonomous region . however , the products has not been developed so much as the expectation of a key industry in hezhou prefecture 以市場為導向,以資源為基礎,調整農業產業結構,發展具有比較優勢和區域特色的種植業優勢產品,是我國農業參與國際市場競爭的積極舉措。 |
Paeonia suffruticosa andrews , having the honor of “ king of flower ” all along , is one of the famous flowers traditionally in china . it has high quality of appreciation and merchant importance , and is a preponderant product of earning foreign exchange through exports 牡丹是我國傳統名花之一,素有“花王”之稱,具有很高觀賞價值和重要的商品價值,是我國花卉出口創匯的優勢產品。 |
Systemic and specific research and development strategy provides guidance for development of firms product fields . continuous new technologies and products will provide support for companies to occupy preponderant competition position in market 系統明確的產品研發戰略,為企業產品領域發展指明了方向,不斷推出新技術新產品,才能為企業在市場中占據優勢的競爭位置提供支持。 |
This paper also points out clearly that the average stress is the main driving force for migration of the petroleum in the pore stratum , the downhill direction of average stress gradient is the preponderant direction of the migration oil and gas 指出了三維應力場中平均應力是描述油氣流體在孔隙地層中運移的主要指標,平均應力梯度減小的方向就是油氣運移的優勢方向。 |