
prep n.1.〔學俚〕預備功課;家庭作業 〔preparati...


Culture course 10hrs wk exam prep 考試預備課程10小時周

High school prep . course 15 hrs wk 高中預備課程15小時每周

High school prep . course 23 hrs wk 高中預備課程23小時每周

Given his lack of experience , his work is remarkably good . ( prep 他的工作非常出色,雖然沒什么經驗。

High school prep . course 30 hrs wk 高中預備課程30小時每周

High school prep . course 20 hrs wk 高中預備課程20小時每周

You just visit him sick in bed , and give him prep words and . . 你們只要去探病說點安慰的話,然后… …

High school prep . course 25 hrs wk 高中預備課程25小時每周

No . you wanted to leave without proper prep . we did 不行,沒有作必要的準備你就要求動身,我們照做了

Business german 30hrs wk exam prep 考試預備課程20小時周

Shut him down . prep him for surgery 把他關上,準備做手術。

Oliver : hey , what makes you so sure i went to prep school 奧利弗:嗨,你憑什么肯定我上過預科學校?

Business english 21hrs wk exam prep 考試預備課程21小時周

Study on the preparation craft of high - purity theanine with prep - hplc 高純度茶氨酸分離制備工藝研究

On a prep machine , you should try 在一臺prep機器上,您應該嘗試

Oliver : hey , what makes you so sure i went to prep school 奧利弗:噯,你憑什么說我上的是預科班。

Three months of prep down the tubes 三個月的工作就會化為烏有

You just visit him sick in bed , and give him prep words and 你們只要去探病說點安慰的話,然后

He might need to speed up the assault prep 他應該加速營救進展了