
pod n.1.【植物;植物學】莢,莢果。2.蠶繭;蝗蟲的卵囊。...

pod pepper

Such pod comments begin with 這樣的pod注釋自己用某行上的

Bean pod mottle virus - an important virus on soybean and leguminous plants 危害大豆等豆科植物的重要病毒

Oil plants , pod and sea food also take the top place in jiangsu 油料、蠶繭、水產品產量也居全省首位。

Always have full emergency warp devices and an escape pod 要經常備有完備的緊急空間移動裝置和逃生艙。

Silkworm pods from india were obtained and then woven into a silk net 產自印度的蠶繭被織進絲綢網格。

Allelopathy of peganum multisectum maxim bobr on edible podded pea 多裂駱駝蓬對食莢豌豆的化感作用研究

Pod prysznic ! zieht euch aus ! bewegung 脫掉衣服快走

Preparation of tetra - pod like zinc oxide whisker by kaolin catalyst 高嶺土催化制備四腳狀氧化鋅晶須

But the chinese will track the pod 但中國人會追蹤到飛行器的

All the escape pods have been launched 所有救生船都發射走了

Me quede sin saldo , me podes llamar 我沒點了,你打給我好嗎?

Yeah . i can enlarge the ejection pod 是的.我可以擴大噴射艙

What ' s a pod - born pencil - neck like you doing volunteering for my corps 你只是個乳臭未干的小毛頭

This floor was a exhibition pod 聽說這里的屋頂是展望臺, 55層哪

Open the pod bay doors , please , hal 赫爾,請打開輔助艙通道門。

Some problems of model test methods for podded propulsor 吊艙式推進器模型試驗方法中的一些問題

Tom and mike are like two peas in a pod 湯姆和邁克長得一模一樣。

Determination of vanillin in vanilla pods 香草蘭豆莢中香蘭素的測定

Pod is well rounded but lacks api documenting features Pod很全面,但是缺少api文檔編寫特性。