
plump adj.肥胖的,(女人等)豐滿的;(錢包等)鼓起的。vt...


He sat down in the chair with a plump 撞擊軟物的沉悶的聲響撞擊軟物

I am ready to plump for the plan provided it works 要是這個計劃行得通,我準備大力支持它。

Shoes designed plump shoes with a lower toe cap 5設計上鞋尖較低的鞋

Endothelial cells may be plump , but no atypia is present 可有內皮細胞腫脹,但無不典型性。

My - - - i didn ' t mean plump as in plump 我的臉… … -我不是說你的臉胖

You ' re getting a bit plump you need to diet 你有點發胖了- -得節食了

Lace and satin pressed tight against the plump little bubbies 蕾斯和綢緞勾勒出豐滿的胸部

A short plump woman came waddling along the pavement 有個矮胖女子一搖一擺地沿人行道走來

The newspaper ads plumped the virtues of the new model 報紙廣告大力宣傳新型號的優點。

The memphis delegation plumped for jackson 孟菲斯代表團全力支持杰克遜。

Thus spake zarathustra . his plump body plunged 他那肥胖的身軀跳進水去。

She didn ' t take ( at all ) kindly to being called plump 她(一點都)不喜歡人家說她豐滿

Your lips will be plump and sweet enough to kiss 櫻唇更豐滿甜美,讓人不禁想親吻一下。

Now my cheeks are beginning to plump up 現在我的面頰漸漸地豐滿起來了。

For a plump of pressmen . humour wet and dry 為了讓一樣新聞記者喝上一通。

He told me plump that he would not give in 他直截了當告訴我,他決不讓步。

He has plumped for the youngest candidate 他全力支持那位最年輕的候選人。

Shall i plump the cushion on mrs brown ' s chair 我把布朗太太椅子上的墊子拍松好嗎?

She plumped the heavy bag down on the floor 她砰的一聲地把那沉重的袋子摔到地板上。