
pitch n.1.瀝青;含有瀝青的物質;松脂,樹脂。2.人工合成瀝...

pitch blende

The s-ivb stage has its single engine gimbaled in pitch and yaw . S-IVB級有一個單獨擺動發動機來作俯仰和偏航。

Convolutions frequently alternate in direction of rotation and vary in pitch . 盤旋經常改變回轉方向和節距。

When i got up at five that cold morning , it was pitch dark . 當我在那個寒冷的早晨5點鐘起身時,天一片漆黑。

The music rises up to the wildest pitch of stormy excitement . 這時音樂急促強勁到極點,猶如暴風驟雨一般。

At the beginning men of all sorts and conditions had to pitch in . 起初,各階層,各行各業的人都得努力干。

We had prepared supper for the team and they all pitched in . 我們給隊員準備了晚餐,他們全都大吃起來。

Fig. 4. 1 illustrates the fringe formation due to pitch difference . 圖4-1說明了間距不同所組成的條紋。

A variable pitching moment is provided by moving the elevator . 俯仰力矩的變化由升降舵的偏轉來提供。

It was more difficult to make our way up the mountain in pitch darkness . 昏天黑地的,山路更不好走。

For years, celebrities had been pitching products on tv . 多少年來,聞人名士都曾在電視上推銷商品。

Sorry for richetts, i made my pitch as quickly as possible . 我為里基茨感到遺憾,并立即加以解釋。

Independent pitch and yaw of the two birds produce noise . 兩只吊艙的獨立俯仰和偏航均會產生噪聲。

With all the work i have to do i must be at concert pitch . 我要做的工作這么多,我必須精神飽滿。

Emily dickinson too is unsure how to pitch her work . 艾米莉狄更森也不知如何為自己的作品調音。

The match had to be abandoned because the pitch was waterlogged . 那場比賽因場地汪水只好取消。

The ball was pitched short . 投的球是短球。

The note of the whistle is heard to change to a lower pitch . 汽笛的音調聽起來就越變越低了。

They pitched into the meal . 他們大吃了一頓。

The deck of the small cabin sharply pitched and bumped . 這小艙房的甲板劇烈地顛簸了一下。