
pertussis n.【醫學】百日咳。adj.-tussal

Acellular as well as inactivated polioviruses types i , ii iii . the old dtwp vaccine is also a combination vaccine with similar components for diphtheria and tetanus but contains the “ whole - cell “ component for pertussis and does not contain the poliovirus component 新疫苗的白喉及破傷風類毒素成份與以往所用的三合一白喉破傷風百日咳混合疫苗dtwp相若,而以往所用疫苗的百日咳桿菌為全細胞型及不含小兒麻痹病毒。

Acellular as well as inactivated polioviruses types i , ii iii . the old dtwp vaccine is also a combination vaccine with similar components for diphtheria and tetanus but contains the “ whole - cell “ component for pertussis and does not contain the poliovirus component 新疫苗的白喉及破傷風類毒素成份與以往所用的三合一白喉破傷風百日咳混合疫苗dtwp相若,而以往所用疫苗的百日咳桿菌為全細胞型及不含小兒麻痹病毒。


It was found that plc activity was stimulated by both exogenous purified calmodulin and heterotrimeric g protein agonist cholera toxin . while , the stimulated effect on plc activity caused by exogenous calmodulin was inhibited by heterotrimeric g protein antagonist pertussis toxin , and plc antagonist u - 73122 inhibited the effect caused by cholera toxin . we also measure the free ca ~ ( 2 + ) level in germinating pollen grains , and found that exogenous purified calmodulin was able to increase the free ca ~ ( 2 + ) level , and their effects on ca ~ ( 2 + ) level were inhibited by u - 73122 實驗中,利用[ ~ 3h ] pip _ 2和花粉原生質體共同孵育的體系,檢測出了百合花粉細胞具有依賴pip _ 2的plc活性;利用該體系還檢測出外源鈣調素可促進plc的活性,其中10 ~ ( - 9 ) m的鈣調素可使plc的活性提高三倍;異三聚體g蛋白的激活劑ctx可以激活plc的活性,而其抑制劑ptx可明顯抑制plc活性;外源鈣調素的這種作用可以被ptx抑制;而plc抑制劑u - 73122抑制ctx對plc的激活效應。

B class infectious diseases shall include viral hepatitis , bacillary and amebic dysentery , typhoid and paratyphoid , aids , gonorrhea , syphilis , poliomyelitis , measles , pertussis , diphtheria , epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis , scarlet fever , epidemic hemorrhagic fever , rabies , leptospirosis , brucellosis , anthrax , epidemic and endemic typhus , epidemic encephalitis b , kala - azar , malaria , and dengue fever 乙類傳染病是指:病毒性肝炎、細菌性和阿米巴性痢疾、傷寒和副傷寒、艾滋病、淋病、梅毒、脊髓灰質炎、麻疹、百日咳、白喉、流行性腦脊髓膜炎、猩紅熱、流行性出血熱、狂犬病、鉤端螺旋體病、布魯氏菌病、炭疽、流行性和地方性斑疹傷寒、流行性乙型腦炎、黑熱病、瘧疾、登革熱。

Class infectious diseases shall include viral hepatitis , bacillary and amebic dysentery , typhoid and paratyphoid , aids , gonorrhea , syphilis , poliomyelitis , measles , pertussis , diphtheria , epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis , scarlet fever , epidemic hemorrhagic fever , rabies , leptospirosis , brucellosis , anthrax , epidemic and endemic typhus , epidemic encephalitis b , kala - azar , malaria , and dengue fever 乙類傳染病是指:病毒性肝炎、細菌性和阿米巴性痢疾、傷寒和副傷寒、艾滋病、淋病、梅毒、脊髓灰質炎、麻疹、百日咳、白喉、流行性腦脊髓膜炎、猩紅熱、流行性出血熱、狂犬病、鉤端螺旋體病、布魯氏菌病、炭疽、流行性和地方性斑疹傷寒、流行性乙型腦炎、黑熱病、瘧疾、登革熱。

A combination of diphtheria tetanus vaccine and opv or diphtheria tetanus vaccine and ipv is currently used for primary six students , and will be replaced by diphtheria , tetanus , acellular pertussis reduced dose inactivated poliovirus vaccine dtap - ipv at a later phase 現行用作為小六學童接種的白喉及破傷風減量混合疫苗和小兒麻痹口服劑td opv或白喉及破傷風減量混合疫苗和滅活小兒麻痹疫苗td ipv將于稍后以白喉破傷風無細胞型百日咳減量及滅活小兒麻痹混合疫苗dtap - ipv代替。

Acellular as well as inactivated polioviruses types i , ii iii . the old dtwp vaccine is also a combination vaccine with similar components for diphtheria and tetanus but contains the “ whole - cell “ component for pertussis and does not contain the poliovirus component 新疫苗的白喉及破傷風類毒素成份與以往所用的三合一白喉破傷風百日咳混合疫苗dtwp相若,而以往所用疫苗的百日咳桿菌為全細胞型及不含小兒麻痹病毒。

In the updated hong kong childhood immunization programme effective from february 2007 , a combined diphtheria , tetanus , acellular pertussis and inactivated poliovirus vaccine dtap - ipv is used for preschoolers and primary one students please refer to the 更新后的香港兒童免疫接種計劃于二零零七年二月生效采用混合疫苗白喉破傷風無細胞型百日咳及滅活小兒麻痹混合疫苗為學前兒童及小一學童接種請參閱更新后的

Primary 1 students are used to receiving dt and opv , will it do any harm for them by receiving the new vaccine dtap - ipv ? the extra acellular pertussis component of the new vaccine offers boosting effect for the prevention of pertussis 小一學童一直以來只需接種白喉及破傷風混合疫苗dt和口服三型混合小兒麻痹疫苗opv ,使用新疫苗白喉破傷風無細胞型百日咳及滅活小兒麻痹混合疫苗dtap - ipv會否引起不良效果

In the updated hong kong childhood immunization programme effective from february 2007 , a combined diphtheria , tetanus , acellular pertussis and inactivated poliovirus vaccine dtap - ipv is used for preschoolers and primary one students 更新后的香港兒童免疫接種計劃于二零零七年二月生效采用混合疫苗白喉破傷風無細胞型百日咳及滅活小兒麻痹混合疫苗為學前兒童及小一學童接種。

In hong kong , childhood immunisation programme has been established for many years . it includes vaccines for the prevention of tuberculosis , hepatitis b , poliomyelitis , diphtheria , tetanus , pertussis , measles , mumps and rubella 香港的兒童免疫接種計劃已推行多年,以預防結核病乙型肝炎小兒麻痹癥白喉破傷風百日咳麻疹流行性腮腺炎及德國麻疹等傳染病。

4 . the tetanus toxoid can be administered alone or as a combined vaccine , e . g . diphtheria tetanus vaccine , diphtheria , tetanus , acellular pertussis inactivated poliovirus vaccine dtap - ipv please refer to the 4 .破傷風類毒素可單獨或以混合疫苗形式接種,如白喉及破傷風混合疫苗及白喉破傷風無細胞型百日咳及滅活小兒麻痹混合疫苗等請參閱更新后的

Please consult your family doctor if any of the following events occurs in your child within the specified period after administration of vaccines with pertussis component e . g . dtwp and dtap 如兒童曾在接種含有百日咳成份的混合疫苗后出現以下情況,家長便應向家庭醫生諮詢有關接種新疫苗事宜:

What are the components of the new dtap - ipv vaccine ? the dtap - ipv vaccine is a combination vaccine containing diphtheria and tetanus toxoids , purified proteins of bordetella pertussis 新疫苗白喉破傷風無細胞型百日咳及滅活小兒麻痹混合疫苗dtap - ipv包含甚么成份

Dtap - ipv vaccine : diphtheria , tetanus , acellular pertussis inactivated poliovirus vaccine dtap - ipv vaccine : diphtheria , tetanus , acellular pertussis reduced dose inactivated poliovirus vaccine 白喉、破傷風、無細胞型百日咳(減量)及減活小兒麻痹混合疫苗* * (加強劑)

Some infants and children develop fevers after receiving routine immunizations , such as the diphtheria , tetanus and pertussis ( dtap ) or pneumococcal vaccines 一些嬰兒和小孩在注射免疫針之后會引起發燒,譬如說白喉,破傷風,百日咳或者肺炎疫苗。

After the 1960s , china began to inoculate bcg , pertussis , diphtheria , tetanus , measles and poliomyelitis vaccines 六十年代后,中國開始在大、中城市接種卡介苗、百日咳、白喉、破傷風、麻疹、脊髓灰質炎的疫苗的工作。

If my child is unfit for dtwp due to medical conditions , can he she receive this new vaccine , which contains acellular pertussis component 不適合接種三合一白喉破傷風全細胞百日咳疫苗dtwp的兒童可否接種新疫苗

Recommendations on updated childhood immunisation programme containing inactivated poliovirus and acellular pertussis vaccines december 2006 兒童免疫接種計劃的指引二零零六年十二月更新只備英文版