
passion n.1.激情,熱情;〔the passions〕感情〔與...

passion sunday

Music is a passion with him . 他酷愛音樂。

The six-month's passion had aged him very considerably . 六個月的戀愛使他一下子長大了好幾歲。

It settled his passion and petrified his countenance . 它使他的怒氣平息下來,使他的臉僵化了。

His passion died as if a blight had shrivelled it up . 他的怒火象害了枯萎病萎縮了似地消失了。

She said passion should thaw the icicles in his heart . 她說,她的熱情定會融化他心中的冰柱。

Fishing is a passion with him . 他極愛釣魚。

So i withheld my passion . 于是我壓住了火氣。

He grew cold with passion . 他由于激動而發冷。

It was a passion with her . 這是她的一種癖好。

He has a passion for gambling . 他非常愛賭博。

Our passion for freedom led to the american revolution . 我們對自由的渴望導致了美國革命。

Roxana's bosom was heaving with suppressed passion . 羅克珊抑制滿腔的怒火,胸膛一起一伏。

No spark had yet kindled in him an intellectual passion . 還沒有火花點燃他身上的求知欲。

His passion has gone down . 他的情緒平靜了下來。

The passion came up in him . 他內心的激情在凝聚。

Her black eyes were flashing with passion and resolution . 她的黑眼睛閃爍著激情與決心。

His passion for peace grew in intensity and profundity . 他對和平的熱情日益強烈和深厚。

It is not a reasonable passion . 這不是理性的情感。

A man should live from emotions and passions . 人的生活應當不受情感和主觀愿望的影響。