
oxter n.〔Scot. 英方〕胳肢窩。


And begob there he was passing the door with his books under his oxter and the wife beside him and corny kelleher with his wall eye looking in as they went past , talking to him like a father , trying to sell him a secondhand coffin 果然,他腋下夾著書,同老婆并肩從門前走過。科尼。凱萊赫也和他們在一起,路過時還翻著白眼朝門里面窺伺,并且想賣給他一副二手貨棺材。

And begob what was it only that bloody old pantaloon denis breen in his bath slippers with two bloody big books tucked under his oxter and the wife hotfoot after him , unfortunate wretched woman trotting like a poodle 他趿拉著洗澡穿的拖鞋,腋下夾著兩部該死的大書。他老婆-一個倒楣可憐的女人-像鬈毛狗那樣邁著碎步,緊趕慢趕地跟在后面。

Normakky , you onky have to use one patch per day , you can patch it one any part of your body , oxter , or haunch for exampke 每天使用一貼就可以,可以貼在身體的任何部位,手腕、腰部都可以。

Treatment of 102 cases with spontaneous pneumothorax by using oxter microincision under tv thoracoscope 腋下小切口電視胸腔鏡手術治療自發性氣胸82例

The gimp came again with a roll of old newspapers under his oxter 那個瘸子保管員腋下夾著一卷舊報紙又來了。