
ovulation n.排卵。adj.-latory


Obesity , pre - diabetes and diabetes can affect ejaculation , sperm production , ovulation , miscarriage rates and increase fetal malformation rates 肥胖、糖尿病前期和糖尿病都能影響射精、精子產生、排卵、流產幾率和增加胚胎發育不良的機會。

Single method has been applied to the diagnosis of ovulation and luteal function sound is not enough , but for other ovarian function reference 單用此法來診斷有無排卵和黃體功能是否健全是不夠的,但可對其他卵巢功能檢查提供參考。

Usually one egg matures at a time , and that ' s why if sperm is present during ovulation , a woman only gets pregnant with one baby 通常一次只有一個卵子成熟,所以在排卵期中如果有精子與卵子結合,女性懷孕后通常都只會生一個孩子。

Although fecundability is low in women at this age , ovulation and pregnancy are still possible until 1 year has elapsed since the last period 盡管這一年齡段的婦女受孕率很低,但末次月經后一年仍然具有排卵和懷孕的可能。

Most women will stop bleeding within 2 months of starting treatment and return of ovulation and menstruation varies 絕大部分女性在實驗兩個月內經血就會停止,而恢復的排卵和月經的周期所需的時間則根據不同受體各不相同。

Mpges mrna was expressed in granulosa cells of primary and secondary follicles during ovulation induced by gonadotropin 促性腺激素誘導的小鼠排卵模型中, mpgesmrna在初級卵泡和次級卵泡的顆粒細胞上均有表達。

During the female menstrual cycle , lh lute tropic hormone in her urine shows peak value at about 24 hours before ovulation 在女性的月經周期中,尿液中的促黃體生成激素lh會在排卵前24小時左右出現高峰值。

While sperm can survive for several days inside a woman ' s reproductive tract , an egg can only survive for up to 24 hours after ovulation 精子可以在女性生殖道內存活數日,而排卵后卵子僅能存活24小時。

It increases the sensitivity of the ovaries to follicle stimulating hormone , thereby increasing ovulation , the study said 研究表明,類胰島素生長因子能增強卵巢對促卵泡激素的敏感度,從而促進排卵。

It increases the se itivity of the ovaries to follicle stimulating hormone , thereby increasing ovulation , the study said 研究表明,類胰島素生長因子能增強卵巢對促卵泡激素的敏感度,從而促進排卵。

Preliminary observation of the effect of gnrh - a substituting for hcg to induce ovulation in preventing ohss 促性腺激素釋放激素激動劑替代絨毛膜促性腺激素誘導排卵預防卵巢過度剌激綜合征的初步觀察

Previous studies have indicated igf may increase ovulation and even help embryos survive in the early stages of their development Igf能增加排卵作用同時還可能有助于懷孕早期階段胚胎的存活。

Results among the students surveyed , 24 . 4 % knew female ' s ovulation time , 24 . 9 % knew when easily to pregnant 結果在被調查的大學新生中, 24 . 4 %知道女性排卵時間, 24 . 9 %知道女性容易受孕的時間。

The clinical value of ultrasonography in therapy ovulation barrier sterile by integrating traditional chinese medicine and western medicine 超聲在中西醫結合治療排卵障礙性不孕中的應用

The results are presented as a color - coded ovulation calendar showing your fertile and non - fertile periods 這些日子都被用色塊在日歷上標記出來,讓你知道哪幾天是易孕期,哪幾天不是。

The outcomes and related factors about inducing ovulation by clomiphene citrate in polycystic ovarian syndrome patients 多囊卵巢綜合征患者用克羅米酚促排卵結局與相關因素的探討

The effect of bromocriptine on ovulation induced by gonadotropin releasing hormone in women with hyperprolactinemia 溴隱亭對高泌乳素血癥婦女促性腺激素誘導排卵的影響

Advanced woman calendar is a precise and user - friendly personal ovulation calendar that monitors the menstrual cycle 女性日歷是一款容易使用且友好的個人日歷。

They claimed the more a woman consumed , the lower her risk of ovulation - related infertility 研究結果顯示,常吃冰淇淋的婦女患上與排卵有關的不孕癥的風險較小。