
overwinter vi.,vt.(使)活過冬天;(把…)保存過冬。adj....


The results showed that there are 5 generations of this insect pest per year in guangdong province , the adult of first generation occurs in march , and the nymphs and pupae overwinter since middle or late november 該蟲在廣東一般1年發生5代,第1代成蟲出現于3月份, 11月中下旬以后若蟲和蛹開始越冬;發育起點溫度為11 . 01 ,完成1個世代所需有效積溫為791 . 27日度。

Shes also building a new shed so she can overwinter her animals a little more comfortably . and she keeps a keen eye out for any technological improvement , asking friends from the canadian project about new forage varieties 她還惦記著把加拿大項目的專家再請來,幫她測測她家的水草情況,講講如何給牲畜搭配營養均衡的飼草料。

( 3 ) euthalia kardama : univoltine . they overwinter in elder larvae in the old leaves of palms in late october 9月至10月為幼蟲期, 10月底以幼蟲在棕擱樹棕中越冬。

They overwinter in pupae and eclose in next late march to mid - april 小黑斑鳳蝶:一年一代,以蛹越冬。

For example , many rusts overwinter on alternate hosts 例如,許多銹菌在轉主寄主上越冬。