overtly adv.明顯地;公開,公然。
adv. 明顯地;公開,公然。 “overtoil“ 中文翻譯: vt.,vi. =overwork. n. =overwork “overtlow“ 中文翻譯: 超量燒錄; 超越量“overton“ 中文翻譯: 奧弗頓; 歐弗頓“overtitration“ 中文翻譯: 滴定過量; 滴過了頭; 滴過終點“overton county, tennessee“ 中文翻譯: 弗 (田西州)“overtiredness“ 中文翻譯: 過度疲勞“overtone“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.【音樂】陪音,泛音。 2.〔常 pl.〕次要的意義;聯想;暗示;言外之意。 3.【無線電】諧波。 vt. 【攝影】使曝光過度。 “overtire“ 中文翻譯: vt.,vi. (使)過度疲勞。 “overtone absorption“ 中文翻譯: 過色調吸收; 諧波吸收“overtimeworking“ 中文翻譯: 加班工作
overtoil |
A member ' s national measures could violate non - discrimination obligation both overtly and implicitly . the overt violation always involves the national measures referring to the origin - based differentiation , while the implicit violation could exist in the context of origin - neutral national measures . the former situation will be called de jure discrimination , and the latter one is regarded as de facto discrimination , which gains attention in this article 首先,成員國可能給予原產于不同產地的產品以差別待遇,對產品實施產地歧視( origin - baseddiscrimination ) ,我們稱之為“法律歧視( dejurediscrimination ) ” ;另外,成員國還有可能根據非產地因素給予產品差別待遇,但是在結果上也導致了事實上對原產于某個(些)成員國的產品的歧視,我們稱之為“事實歧視( defactodiscrimination ) ” 。 |
Disclosure system of the securities market which is also named information opening system means the corporation in the securities market which raise capital with all kinds of financial instrument and its related individuals disclose the interrelated information during its behavior to raise capital and of its continuing identity to all the investors and the whole securities market overtly , impartially and justly in a entire , accurate and timely way 證券市場信息披露制度,又稱證券市場信息公開制度或證券市場信息公示制度,它是指在證券市場上借助各種金融工具向公眾籌集資金的公司及其相關的個人依照法律規定以完整、準確、及時的方式向所有投資者和整個證券市場公開、公平、公正地披露與該籌資行為及其持續性身份相關信息的制度或規則。 |
Critical of china ? s overwhelming social injustice in the 1930s , he used his films as a vehicle to express his displeasure from an intellectual ? s conscience , yet always aimed for realism and humanism rather than overtly emotional propaganda . his fresh approach with thorough dramatic structure told with conviction , romantic lyricism , humour and youthful passion had won him much applause and the laurel of ? poet of cinema ? 從《野玫瑰》 ( 1931 )到《火山情血》 ( 1932 ) 、 《天明》 ( 1933 )到《小玩意》 ( 1933 ) ,他都被澎湃的創作熱情和理想所驅動,借用西方戲劇結構和新穎的電影手法,表現出追求公義的信念與浪漫詩意、幽默趣味和青春活力,因而贏得贊賞,被尊為電影詩人。 |
A government project supervisor claimed while he did not know who was paying him , every time he was paid , a construction worker would inform him in advance . he admitted the amount of money he received each month was comparable to his monthly salary . this was commonly known in the construction industry as “ one payment made overtly and the other covertly “ 其中一名涉案政府工程監督透露自己雖然不知付款人是誰,但每次得款前會有一個地盤工人通知他錢放在哪一個地盤的哪一處地方,他亦承認所得款項等同他的月薪,就是當時的俗語所形容的面一份底一份。 |
It puts mr . von trier in a great tradition of directors who have been freed artistically by making little movies at strategic points in their careers , films that paradoxically often turn out to be better than their overtly ambitious , budget - bloated works 本片讓馮提爾置身于導演的一個大傳統當中,他們藉由在生涯的關鍵時刻拍攝小品電影而從藝術解放,詭異的是,結果反而往往比他們們雄心顯露無遺、拍片預算膨脹的作品要好。 |
Tok andy lau , on the other hand , is a rising newcomer . what is similar between them is that they are both top - notch gunfighters . tok wants to take over o as the best assassin and he tries to accomplish his goal by challenging o overtly 從正面的角度看,對于女性角色的描寫,此片是一個進步,對于林希蕾角色的刻劃,比起杜韋以往同類的角色都來得深刻,對于她的心理狀況也有不少著默,不是如以往般流于表面。 |
Another line of argument is that the bank should have been able to lend , or arrange a takeover by some other institution , covertly rather than offering lender - of - last - resort facilities overtly , as it did last week 還有一種觀點認為,英國央行本應當秘密提供借款或者安排一些其它金融機構進行收購,而不是像上周所做的那樣,公開行使最終貸款人職能。 |
At present , the off - trade capital has been involved in the management of newspapers by the ways of contracting newspaper pages , advertising agency , publishing , establishing limited companies etc overtly or covertly 目前,業外資本或明或暗地利用包版,代理廣告、發行,組建股份公司的方式參與報紙的經營業務。 |
Except some legal debt , local government and functional departments invent all kinds of names to run into debt direct or indirect overtly or covertly 除一些合法的債務外,地方政府及各職能部門還以各種名目直接或間接、公開或隱蔽地舉借了大量債務。 |