
overtime n.1.超時;加班,額外工作時間;額外勞動。2.加班費。...


Q : would you mind working overtime at night 如果有夜間加班。你會介意嗎

Sounds like murphy ' s law is working overtime 看來莫非定律在你身上真是應驗得太過火了!

Specify default standard and overtime rates 指定默認的標準費率和加班費率

The job applicant said he wouldn ' t mind working overtime 求職者說他不會在意工作加班。

Estimation of time delay and overtime in mobile computation 移動計算中時延與超時的估計

A little bird told me we have to work overtime tonight 有人告訴我,我們今晚必須加班。

Working overtime but her luck s turned today 打了烊她照樣接客。可是今天她并不走運。

- overtime , yes . - which one of those is yours -延長賽,對-哪個是你兒子?

We work a lot of overtime , we get time off 我們要加不少班,所以我們也有很多業余時間

You can get a doubled wage for working overtime 你加班可得到雙倍的工資。

Overtime hours exceed three hours a day 工人每天延長工作時間超過三小時。

Laura : mr . crawford doesn ' ' t like to pay overtime 郭佛先生不喜歡付加班費

We don ' t work for vanderbrink . no overtime for us 我們不為萬德賓克工作.我們不加班

But we do expect you to work overtime when its necessary 但必要時我們需要你能加班。

A study on the criminal responsibility for detaining overtime 超期羈押的刑事責任探究

Monitoring staff attendance and overtime work checklist 員工值勤及逾時工作的監管清單

The negotiations broke down over the issue of overtime pay 有關加班費的談判破裂了。

The factory compensates the workers for working overtime 工廠發加班費給加班的工人。

Administration of overtime and attendance checklists 管理逾時工作及員工值勤