overstate vt.把…講得過分;夸大,夸張。 overstate o...
vt. 把…講得過分;夸大,夸張。 overstate one's case 夸大自己的情況。 n. -ment 言過其實;大話,夸張。 “overstatement“ 中文翻譯: 大話; 估值過高, 夸大; 夸大“overstain“ 中文翻譯: 過度染色; 過染; 染色過度“overstatement n“ 中文翻譯: 估值過高“overstaggered“ 中文翻譯: 過參差失調的“overstatement of liabilities“ 中文翻譯: 虛臺負責“overstaffing in organizations“ 中文翻譯: 機構臃腫“overstay“ 中文翻譯: vt.,vi. 1. (使)逗留過久,(使)坐得過久;(使)逗留期超過簽證規定期限。 2. 【商業】勒價觀望過久而坐失(良機)。 overstay one's welcome 逗留[坐得]過久而使人生厭。 “overstaffing in organization“ 中文翻譯: 機構臃腫“overstay of leave“ 中文翻譯: 逾期不銷假;逾假不歸;休假期滿后仍未回任“overstaffing and unwieldiness“ 中文翻譯: 龐大臃腫
overstay |
There wereseveral layers of middlemen between investors and house - buyers , most of whomhad an incentive to overstate either house prices or a borrower ' s ability torepay 在投資者和房子購買者之間有多層的中間人,多數人存在要么夸大房價、要么夸大借款者償還能力的動機。 |
But the material benefits of tourism for local residents are hard to overstate , especially for people long mired in poverty and desperate for a way out 但是對地方性的居民觀光事業的物質利益是難夸大的敘述,尤其因為人們渴望在貧窮方面陷于泥濘和不顧死活為一個出路。 |
Although this measure makes sense in theory ( by living in your house you forgo rental income ) , it may now be overstating inflationary pressure 雖然這種方法(當你居住此住時所便放棄了對其征收租金的權利)理論可行,在現實中,它卻夸大了通脹的壓力。 |
In addition , portfolio investments have increased from levels of the past few years . the demise of the attractiveness of us investments has been well overstated 此外,組合投資也較過去幾年的水平有所上升。美國投資吸引力已經消失的說法言過其實了。 |
Although this measure makes sense in theory ( by living in your house you forgo rental income ) , it may now be overstating inflationary pressure 雖然該數據在理論上很有意義(生活在你的家里就等于放棄了租金收入) ,但現在它可能夸大了通脹壓力。 |
Exporters are also thought to be overstating their export revenues in order to dodge capital controls and bring in foreign money to invest in chinese assets 出口商們也被認為是為了躲避資本管制而高估出口收入,而且攜帶外幣到中國投資。 |
A former textile merchant was sentenced to one year s imprisonment , suspended for two years , for overstating the number of workers and pocketing the extra wages 一名前紡織商人夸大工人數目,盜取多馀工資,被判入獄一年,緩刑兩年。 |
When the group went into liquidation in august 1998 , the auditors , the creditors and the shareholders were defrauded by the overstated current assets 當集團于一九九八年清盤時,核數師、債權人及股東均被其夸大的流動資產所瞞騙。 |
Animal studies might have overstated efficacy , or clinical trials might have understated efficacy ; in either case we need to better understand the reasons for failure 動物研究可能高估了藥物療效,而臨床實驗可能低估了療效。 |
Makes it easier for the compiler to inline method calls , but this perception is incorrect or at the very least , greatly overstated 會使編譯器更容易地內聯方法調用,但是這種理解是不正確的(或者至少說是大大地言過其實了) 。 |
Lastly , concerning the wrong notion overstating the position and function of the folk law , the reason for its formation is analyzed 和作用的這一認識誤區,剖析了其成因,指出應審慎的對待民間法,不應對其過分推崇。 |
Patients may overstate or understate their symptoms following a significant allergic reaction , making the diagnosis of anaphylaxis unclear 患者可能夸大或縮小因明顯過敏反應引起的癥狀,使速發型過敏反應診斷不明確。 |
Pak wan - kam , pamela signing fraudulent tax returns overstating expenses and omitting income , contrary to section 82 of inland revenue ordinance 簽署虛假報稅表,夸大開支及漏報收入,觸犯稅務條例第82 1 d條。 |
At the same time , we should not overstate the functions of reciting ancient classics and should do research into it in instructional practice 要在讀經實踐中加強科學研究,使讀經活動能夠健康、有效地開展。 |
A na ? ve projection of their past growth rates into the future was likely to greatly overstate their real prospects (若以過去的增長率來預測未來,會顯得考慮欠周,因為那種預測會嚴重夸大未來的實際增長。 ) |
The authors tentatively suggest that the growth in services output ( and hence tfp ) may be overstated in india 因此,這幾位作者初步認為印度服務業產出的增長可能言過其實,因此tfp的情況也應如此。 |
But chinese officials have accused some foreign media of overstating problems with goods made in china 但同時中國官方也指責一些國外媒體對于中國商品問題的擴大和夸張的報道,導致嚴重失實。 |
But chinese officials have accused some foreign media of overstating problems with goods made in china 但中國也耆宿了幾家國外媒體,因為他們對中國食品產生的問題報道得言過其實。 |
But chinese officials have accused some foreign media of overstating problems with goods made in china 但中國官方也指責一些國外媒體對于中國商品問題擴大和夸張的報道嚴重失實。 |