
oversoul n.【哲學】(先驗論的所謂)超靈,上帝。


New information that one is integrating in ascension continually pours from one ' s oversoul and source down the chakras above one ' s head and through the chakra system to one ' s akashic records , biological records , ancestral records and lineages 在提升中所整合的新信息,將持續不斷地從你超靈和源頭沿著你頭頂的各脈輪傾注而下,并透過你身體的脈輪系統而進入阿卡西記錄、生物體記錄、祖先記錄和血統之中。

Their pali book we tried to pawn . crosslegged under an umbrel umbershoot he thrones an aztec logos , functioning on astral levels , their oversoul , mahamahatma . the faithful hermetists await the light , ripe for chelaship , ringroundabout him 在暗褐色華蓋的遮陰下,他盤腿坐在寶座上;在星界發揮機能的阿茲特克族的邏各斯148 ,他們的超靈149 ,大我150 。

The source and kingdom will repair the field of the mineral for continued ascension , just as one ' s own source and oversoul does so as an ascending human each night and during one ' s dreamtime recasting 源頭和王國將修復礦石的能量場來持續提升,就如你自己的源頭和超靈在每個夜晚及夢想時間的重鑄內、為作為提升人類的你所做的一樣。

As the source and oversoul descend into the human form , and fills the form with its love and life - force , one becomes fulfilled from within with the love of god goddess all that is 當源頭、超靈和我是之所在降臨而進入人類形態,并以愛和生命力填滿人體形態,一個人開始以內在的神和女神/一切萬有的愛去實踐完成。

Ruburt has implied in [ his novel ] the education of oversoul seven that some archaeological discoveries about the past are not discovered in your present because they do not exist yet 拉伯特已在[他的小說] 《超靈七號的教育》中含蓄地指出,你們現在并沒有發現一些有關過去的考古學發現,因為它們還不存在。

God goddess of human form will not press itself upon you ; you must request soul , oversoul and source to dance with your field 人類形體的神與女神其實是不會將自己壓到你身上的,你必須要求靈魂、超靈與源頭和你的能量場共舞。

Now let us sit quietly and attune to our soul , oversoul and source , along with the earth mother and nature kingdoms 現在,讓我們靜靜地坐著,調諧向我們的靈魂、超靈和源頭,以及地球母親和自然界王國。

In an ungrounded state , it is impossible to integrate new information from one ' s soul , oversoul and source 在一個不根植的狀態中,你就不可能從靈魂、超靈和源頭來整合新信息。