
overlord n.霸王;太上皇;大君主;封建領主[君主]。


From february 1st to 3rd of lunar calendar every year , the lieshen stanza of the yis will be held in the regions of jiuxiang , in the festival period , the yi people still hold various civil activities , such as doing the big three - stringed , lute dance , overlord s whip , there are still the game activities such as singing the madrigal , bullfight etc 彝家獵神節每年的農歷二月初一至初三,彝家獵神節都會在九鄉地區舉行,節日期間,彝族人還舉辦各種民間活動,如跳大三弦月琴舞霸王鞭,還有對唱情歌斗牛等比賽活動。

Development of networking makes good hardware foundation for the remote technology , and distributed idea , component - based reusable technology and object - oriented encapsulation make good software foundation for creating network application system . according to the present research of remote diagnostic system , analyzed the various internet applications , proposed the framework - based on windows distributed internet application ( windows dna ) which caters to the overlord marketing of windows platform in the world . and this framework would develop his great function in the remote field because of its distribution , opening , scalability and good adaptability 論文結合遠程故障診斷系統研究的現狀,在對現有互聯網應用技術分析甄別的基礎之上,提出了利用windows分布式網絡互連應用體系( windowsdna )架構遠程故障診斷信號處理系統的方案,指出基于windowsdna的遠程診斷信號處理系統由于其良好的分布式架構思想、開放性、可擴展性以及良好的環境適應性等特點必將對遠程故障診斷系統的進一步研究發揮積極的作用。

This fund hardware package collocate large - scale best products of cabinet , its surprising to put and receive capacity can be classified and store things effectively , superior frame open and make and move way , let you fetch and give easily , it can be rated as to be function overlord of hardware ; suitable for in the kitchen , dinning room the high cabinet is install and use 這款五金組件是搭配大型廚柜的最佳制品,其驚人置納容量能有效分類儲物,優越的框架開啟作動方式讓您輕松取放,堪稱是功能五金中的霸主;適合廚房、餐廳中高型廚柜安裝使用。

For example , the yis dances can be divided into the 7 major types of axitiaoyue , cigarette case dance , luozuo dance , dage , hugu dance , the sixuan dance and the copper encourage dance ; the peacock dance and xiangjiaogu dance of dai clan which are known for the chinese and foreign also become the different special features because the people create again ; the munaozongge of jingpo clan , baixian dance , fan dance and niugu dance of hani clan , overlord s whip , shangfeiyan of bai clan , lusheng dance of lagu clan , zhongdianguozhang , deqinxuanzi of zang clan , the copper bell dance of the clan of ; the seedling clan jumps ; the production dance of the clan ; the clan pipa dance ; the big drum dance of brown s clan ; the tube - shaped container dance of the promise clan ; “ ascend the luo “ of the clan of ; the water of the virtuous clan of encourage ; only the cow dance of the dragon clan ; the dance in a chuang of the rice clan ; mongolia “ together the is each early “ of the clan and create mosslem people s musical play “ return to dragon “ of the plait etc 比如,彝族舞蹈可分為,阿細跳月煙盒舞羅作舞打歌花鼓舞絲弦舞銅鼓舞7大類聞名中外的傣族孔雀舞象腳鼓舞由于藝人們的再創造,也形成了不同的流派特色景頗族的“木腦縱歌”哈尼族的白鷴舞扇子舞扭鼓舞白族“繞山林”中的霸王鞭雙飛燕,拉祜族的蘆笙舞納西族的“哦熱熱”東巴舞藏族的中甸鍋莊德欽弦子瑤族的銅鈴舞苗族的跳蘆笙怒族的生產舞僳族琵琶舞布朗族的大鼓舞基諾族的竹筒舞阿昌族的“登娥羅”德昂族的水鼓舞獨族的剽牛舞普米族的鍋莊舞蒙古族的“納各早”以及創編的回族歌舞劇“回”等。

Althought both the pattern of education the new - style school and the old - style private school existed together , the private school always was the overlord of the predial culture . in the countryside , not only the private school was more than the new - style school , but also the private school ' s social cultural function as community center was more outstanding 在這種新舊對峙的二元教育結構中,鄉間私塾始終穩居鄉間文化霸主地位,不僅在數量上超過了鄉村學校,而且其社區文化活動中心的社會功能更顯突出。

Lai xi and lt . li , accompanied by li s former posse of soldiers , who have forsaken their peaceful new lives to return to his side , must face the cruelty of the desert , the region s barbaric bandits and the brutality of the overlord s men before they can finally face one another 二人相遇后,一場大戰不分勝負,兩位同是鼎鼎大名的劍客,于是相約再戰。正在此時,他們迎頭碰上了護送經書的朝廷商隊及覬覦駝隊的響馬子安王學圻,而安的背后,似乎還另有主謀.

Now prohibits the publication of any layout on the maple valley overlord of the program , including confirmation of the article , signature files , and so on , are found blockade ip location and delete accounts , such as your donation is the group members would not refund and compensation 即日起禁止在任何版面發表有關于楓之谷霸主程式,含回覆、文章、簽名檔等,發現一律封鎖ip位置及刪除帳號,如您是捐贈的會員組將不退費及補償。

He listed the current news of top it corporations recently , which were divided into two groups : “ all the conquerors chase the same benefit “ and “ the contest between the overlords “ , showing the significance of searching engine 主講在講“為何是搜索”時,搜集列出了近期各大it集團的舉動新聞,分“群雄逐鹿”和“霸主之爭”兩方面,具體形象地說明了當前搜索引擎的重要意義。

Zuo zhuan admits the development and change of history , acknowledges and praises highly the causes of overlords , and makes every effort to describe the victories and defeats in contending for hegemony between feudal lords as well as their reasons 這就是《左傳》承認歷史的發展變化,肯定和贊揚霸主的事業,傾力描述諸侯爭霸的成敗及其原因。

At the height of world war ii , the allies launched ambitious operation overlord along the norman coast , targeting french beaches that were code named omaha , utah , juno , sword and gold 二戰高峰時期,盟軍在諾曼底海岸發動了雄心勃勃的“霸王計劃“ ,目標所對準的法國海岸的代號分別是奧瑪哈、猶他、朱諾、寶劍和黃金。

The chinese scholar tree planted by overlord xiang yu , is the third generation of regeneration tree , as old as 2 , 200 years , which is called by an american botanist “ no . 1 chinese scholar tree in the world ” 項王故里院中的項羽手植槐,為三代再生樹,樹齡已2200余年,被美國一位植物學家譽為“天下第一槐” 。

In the age of motrals , some kapaks found service with the new dragon overlords , particularly beryllinthranox . since her death , most have returned to teyr 在凡人年代,一部分卡帕克龍人開始服侍新興的巨龍霸主,尤其是碧利林薩拉諾克絲。自她死后,大部分卡帕克龍人返回了提爾。

The overlord and queen antonia have both cracked down on recent vendor practices of falsely advertising their wares to be better than they are once equipped 霸王和安東尼亞女王下令嚴懲某些違反公平交易法的商人,先前那些商人手中的某些貨品價格超出應有的品質水準。

No one could ever win over him and he was hence reputed as the junior overlord . one day , the young liu saw a kind elder giving wrong instructions at a martial art class 某日晨,出指揮部后門便是丁家花園捐建之民眾教育館,見國術班中,一慈祥老者方在誤人子弟。

The game is introduced : a very classical street overlord ' s game , the picture is very excellent too , the enemy facing it is the other celestial body living beings this time 游戲介紹:一個非常經典的街頭霸王游戲,畫面也非常精彩,這次面對的敵人是外星球生物。

At the beginning of ninth century , under their king egbert the west saxons of defeated the mercies . in 829 , egbert became an overlord of all the england 九世紀初,在國王埃格伯特的帶領下,西撒克遜人打敗了麥西亞人。 829年,埃格伯特成了整個英國的最高君主。

Little overlord cleaners and polishes company establish and on 1997 , specialize in automatic reaction cleaners and polishes fittings and competitive product defend the bath tap 小霸王潔具公司成立于一九九七年,專業生產自動感應潔具配件及精品衛浴龍頭。

The tradeskill societies have petitioned queen antonia and the overlord to allow them to keep their workshops open and they are now back open for business 交易技能工聯向安東尼亞女王以及路坎霸主請愿,兩人同意重新讓工聯上路進行貿易。

Although you look ahead is long , but it also has an unusual hard efforts to defeat you occupy the streets aimlessly . as a new overlord 雖然你的樣子長的很猥瑣,但是卻有不同尋常的硬功夫,你要打敗霸占街頭的混混,成為新的霸主。