
overlap vt.,vi.(-pp-)1.(與…)交搭;疊蓋。2.(...


Overlapping killings and looting have been reported 飛機墜機后接二連三

Overlapping talk - we ' ll let god decide foryou 讓上帝來決定你的命運吧

Is unspecified if the source and destination areas overlap 如果源區域和目標區域重疊,則

The house construction and the view of people overlap 家屋的建構與人觀是疊合在一起的。

You can create a column that overlaps both rows . set the 您可以創建一個重疊兩個行的列。

The baptism service and the fireside meeting times overlap 洗禮會和爐邊會的時間重疊。

You don t have to worry about overlapping data 中清理緩存的,所以不必擔心會覆蓋數據。

On the manners and pragmatic value of stylistics overlap 論語體交叉的方式及其語用價值

The hands overlap . twelve o ' clock . the flowers blooming 指針重合。十二時。有花盛開。

Overlap the mixed crab meat on the pancake 拌勻后的蟹肉和小薄餅疊加起來

Several of these overlap with iis authentication 其中幾種方法與iis身份驗證是重疊的。

An overlap between tasks that have a dependency . 相關任務間的重疊時間。

( overlapping ) killings and looting have been reported 飛機墜機后接二連三

Do you see an object as if there were two that overlap 您看東西有重影嗎?

However , overlapping random checking shall be avoided 產品質量抽查的結果應當公布。

On the overlapping usage of verbs in lengshuijiang dialect 段玉裁的方言學研究的成就

The treatment in these two books largely overlaps 這兩本書的內容頗多重復。

An analysis of curriculum overlapping seepage problem 關于課程間交叉滲透問題的分析

Center front collar not overlap but also not spray 領子前中不要重疊但也不要張開。