
overkill vt.1.用過多的核力量摧毀(目標)。2.重復命中。3....


The chilo archipelago ' s pristine seascape ( pictured in this 1998 photo ) is one reason the islands tied for third place in a new ranking of the world ' s best kept island destinations ? and quite a few that are succumbing to tourism overkill 奇洛埃島質樸的海景(圖片攝于1998年)是該島名列最新榜單“世界保存最完好的島嶼”成為季軍的原因之一,而很多島嶼都因為旅游破壞過重而沒有入選。

But for many simple web applications , it s overkill , and running tomcat alone offers adequate performance while being much easier to configure and manage at least for developers who haven t previously worked with apache 但對于許多簡單的web應用程序,就沒必要使用它了,當更易于配置和管理時,單獨運行tomcat就可提供足夠的性能(至少對于以前沒有使用過apache的開發人員來說是這樣) 。

The first message can be prevented by either buying a certificate from a well - known ca for the websphere application server s administrative console this is probably overkill , or by accepting the certificate permanently 第一個消息可以通過從眾所周知的ca為websphere application server管理控制臺購買證書(這可能成本較高)或者通過永久接受該證書來避免。

For most people , however , unless you really have a need to perform development on the move and , let s face it , with the limited input devices , it s going to be pretty painful , it s probably overkill 不過,對大部分人來說,是不必這樣的,除非您真正需要在移動狀態下進行開發(我們得承認,使用有限的輸入設備進行開發會相當痛苦) 。

We began our journey at the beginning of the year with a hard look at enterprise javabean components , asking when it truly makes sense to use them and when they are overkill 我們在年初通過粗略研究enterprise javabean組件來開始我們的旅程,并提到了何時使用這些組件才真正有意義,以及何時這些組件才會變得大材小用的問題。

Businesses need the enterprise services that heavyweight architectures , such as enterprise javabeans technology , provide , but such architectures can be overkill for everyday problems 業務需要重量級架構(比如enterprise javabeans ( ejb )技術)提供的企業服務,但這種架構對于解決日常問題可能過于復雜。

Unless you have a huge data model and would benefit from having classes generated for you , code - generation - based frameworks are probably overkill for an ajax application 除非擁有大型數據模型而且有可能從生成的類中獲益,否則基于代碼生成的框架對于ajax應用程序來說可能有很大的殺傷力。

Also , the use of xml tools requires some overhead and investment of resources , that , in some cases , may be overkill 同樣,使用xml工具需要一些資源上的開銷和投資,在某些情況下,這些開銷和投資可能過多。

She wore a brand new cocktail dress to an informal afternoon tea party . no wonder everyone accuses her of overkill 她穿了全新的雞尾酒禮服參加非正式的下午茶會,難怪每個人都罵她太夸張了。

Since i never expose a remote interface to an entity ejb , it seems like overkill to add length to the class name 因為我從沒有公開到實體ejb的遠程接口,它看起來過度的加長了類名。

The candidate used overkill : he was way ahead in the polls but spent another million dollers on campaign ads 那個候選人花得過火了:他已經領先他人卻又花了一百萬元在宣傳費上。

The candidate used overkill : he was way ahead in the poll but spent another million dollar on campaign ads 那個候選人花得過火了:他已經領先他人卻又花了一百萬元在宣傳費上。

Captain _ overkill : “ it ' s just going to have to wait . hey , how about we drop by that coffee place satsuki liked ? “只有等下去了。嗨,我們順便去拜訪下五月喜歡的咖啡店如何? ”

If you merely want exchange rate stability , forming a monetary union is definitely overkill 要是組建一個貨幣聯盟僅僅是為了求得匯率的穩定,那顯然是小題大做了。

Heavyweight architectures , such as enterprise javabeans , can be overkill for everyday problems 重量級架構比如企業級java bean對于解決日常問題來說過于復雜。

Heavyweight architectures , such as enterprise java beans can be overkill for everyday problems 重量級架構,比如企業級java bean對于解決日常問題來說過于復雜。

Has a wealth of string parsing utilities , and data binding is a bit of overkill in these cases ) - -提供了豐富的字符串解析工具,數據綁定在這里有點大材小用。

Captain _ overkill : “ hey , stop . you can ' t do that yet . we ' re in kagetsu toya , not tsukihime 2 . “嘿,暫停。你還不能那樣做,我們是在歌月十夜里,不是月姬2 。 ”

Expensive groupware is simply overkill when all you want is to decide whose turn it is to do the dishes 要決定輪到誰來涮碗,使用昂貴的群件簡直是大材小用。