
overhead adv.1.在上,在頭頂上,高高地;在樓上;在空中。2....


Overhead conveyors for enclosed track . specification 封閉軌懸掛輸送機.技術條件

Conductors for overhead lines - zinc coated steel wires 架空線路用導線.鍍鋅鋼絲

Hard - drawn aluminium wire for overhead line conductors 用于架空導線的冷拔鋁絲

Overhead lines - requirements and tests for spacers 架空線.分隔器的要求和試驗

Specification for insulated overhead travelling cranes 絕緣橋式起重機.技術條件

Pvc - covered conductors for overhead power lines 懸吊式動力線用聚氯乙烯覆蓋導體

Wood poles for overhead lines - durability requirements 架空線用木桿.耐久性要求

Performance standard for overhead electric wire rope hoists 橋式起重機性能標準

Electric traction overhead lines - section insulators 電力牽引架空線.分段絕緣子

Discussion on the design of the overhead transmission line 架空輸電線路設計小議

Supports for overhead lines . wood poles . specifications 架空線支架.木電桿.規范

Wood poles for overhead lines - durability requirements 架空線用木桿.耐用性要求

System of overhead traveling crane parametric design 橋式起重機橋架的參數化設計

The business will require armies of administrators , checkers , and foremen , and administrative overhead will rise correspondingly . 那么該企業將需要大批大批的管理人員、檢驗員、工頭,因而管理費用將會相應地升高。

Golz knew that once they had passed overhead and on, the bombs would fall, looking like porpoises in the air as they tumbled . 戈爾茲知道,一旦飛機在上空飛過去了,炸彈就會像翻騰的海豚那樣從空中落下來。

Compared to straight electric locomotives diesels save the heavy investment required for overhead wires or third rails . 與架線電力機車相比,柴油機可以節省架線或敷設第三條軌道的巨額投資。

One difficulty in every building for heavy industry is the arrangement of the supports for an overhead crane . 重工業的所有廠房均存在一個困難問題,即如何布置橋式吊車的支承結構。

Hector grant is having a look at the quarterly breakdown of overheads detailing actual expenditure against budget . 現在,赫克托格蘭特正在審閱季度營業費預算和實際支出情況。

The grass was soft and fine and old, a level floor carpeting the court; the sky was blue overhead . 草坪柔軟,整齊,年代悠久,象地毯似地覆蓋著地面;頭頂上天空碧藍如洗。