
overfly vt.(-flew; -flown; -flying) ...


“ to further ensure safety , aircraft operators which are unable to declare that their aircraft are y2k compliant will not be permitted to make any flight to , from or overflying hong kong from 10 pm on december 31 to midnight on january 1 , 2000 ( saturday ) . such condition is applicable to all commercial , general aviation and non - revenue flights . up to now , all the airlines operating flights during the period have confirmed that their aircraft are y2k compliant , “ mr leung said 為進一步保障安全,航空公司如不能聲明其飛機已符合二千年數位標準,則不會獲準在十二月三十一日晚上十時至二零零零年一月一日午夜十二時在香港升降或飛越香港,這項規定適用于所有商用航機、一般航機和非商用航機。

Flight departing to the east between 11 pm and 7 am will use the southbound route over the west lamma channel , again subject to safety and operational considerations . these measures will help reduce the need for aircraft to overfly the populated districts . “ experience in the past few months indicates that the above measures can apply to most flight during the periods concerned 其中包括由午夜十二時至早上七時飛機將由西南方降落,而在晚上十一時至早上七時期間向東北飛行的飛機,盡量使用經西博寮海峽的南行航線,從而避免飛越九龍及港島的人口稠密的地區。

“ this measure will ensure when aircraft unavoidably do overfly populated areas they are at a higher altitude , thus reducing the level of noise impact to the community . 該措施要求飛機在較短距離內爬升至較高的高度,從而減輕飛機噪音對社區的影響。