overflew overfly 的過去式。
overfly 的過去式。 “overflexion test of knee“ 中文翻譯: 膝關節過屈試驗“overflash“ 中文翻譯: 過汽化量; 過汽化率“overflight“ 中文翻譯: n. 飛越上空。 n. (飛機等的)飛越上空。 “overflakkee“ 中文翻譯: 上弗拉凱島“overflight charges“ 中文翻譯: 越境飛行費“overfitting“ 中文翻譯: 過度適應; 過適“overfllling“ 中文翻譯: 裝量過多“overfit“ 中文翻譯: 過度適合“overflood stage“ 中文翻譯: 漫坪水位“overfishing“ 中文翻譯: 捕撈過度; 過度捕撈; 過量捕魚; 過漁;捕獲過度
overflight |
“ to further ensure safety , aircraft operators which are unable to declare that their aircraft are y2k compliant will not be permitted to make any flight to , from or overflying hong kong from 10 pm on december 31 to midnight on january 1 , 2000 ( saturday ) . such condition is applicable to all commercial , general aviation and non - revenue flights . up to now , all the airlines operating flights during the period have confirmed that their aircraft are y2k compliant , “ mr leung said 為進一步保障安全,航空公司如不能聲明其飛機已符合二千年數位標準,則不會獲準在十二月三十一日晚上十時至二零零零年一月一日午夜十二時在香港升降或飛越香港,這項規定適用于所有商用航機、一般航機和非商用航機。 |
When the wind is from the west or southwest ( which is prevailing in summer ) , aircraft will approach hkia from the northeast overflying tseung kwan o , sai kung , ma on shan , shatin and tsuen wan ( including sham tseng and tsing lung tau ) . when the wind is from the east or northeast ( which is prevailing in winter ) , aircraft will approach hkia from the southwest ( over water ) 當吹西南或西風時(一般在夏季) ,航機會被安排從東北方向經將軍澳、西貢、馬鞍山、沙田及荃灣(包括深井和青龍頭)降落機場,當吹東或東北風時(一般在冬季)機則從西南方向降落機場。 |
In reply to my question at the council meeting on 27 october 2004 , the government indicated that the civil aviation department had since october 1998 implemented various flight noise mitigating measures to minimize the impact on the communities near the flight path . for example , to avoid aircraft overflying densely populated areas in the early hours , arrangements were made for flights departing hong kong between 11pm and 7am to use the southbound route via the west lamma channel as far as possible , while flights arriving in hong kong between midnight and 7am were directed to land from the waters southwest of the airport 政府在2004年10月27日立法會會議答覆本人質詢時表示,為減低飛行噪音對航道附近社區的影響,民航處自1998年10月起實行各項消減措施,例如在晚上11時至翌日早上7時期間,盡量安排離港的航機使用西博寮海峽的南行航道在凌晨至早上7時抵港的航機,則盡量安排從機場西南面海面進場降落,以避免航機在深夜時分飛越人口稠密的地區。 |
Abstract : the article reviewed the development of our hospital , esp the past ten years ' overfly progress : import the bankroll over 1 , 500 , 000 , 000 ; get ride of external and internal debt and avoid foamy economy ; set up a model for the pla and enter the best group , which proving the saying “ developing is the convincing way ” 文摘:回顧我院發展的道路,特別是近10年來醫院的“跨越式”發展,引資上項高達1 . 5億元,醫院既無外債、又無內債,又不是泡沫經濟,由窯洞醫院走向全軍發展中的典范,跨入了全國百佳的行列,充分的體現了發展才是硬道理。 |
Flight departing to the east between 11 pm and 7 am will use the southbound route over the west lamma channel , again subject to safety and operational considerations . these measures will help reduce the need for aircraft to overfly the populated districts . “ experience in the past few months indicates that the above measures can apply to most flight during the periods concerned 其中包括由午夜十二時至早上七時飛機將由西南方降落,而在晚上十一時至早上七時期間向東北飛行的飛機,盡量使用經西博寮海峽的南行航線,從而避免飛越九龍及港島的人口稠密的地區。 |
Our company has many advanced dyeing and finishing equipment such as fong s high temperature package dyeing machine , fong s low noise rapid dryer , fong s flow high temperature dyeing machine , fong s airnospheric overflew dyeing machine , and bruckner high capacity finishing range etc . the company has all kinds of advanced testing instruments , and use environmental protected dyestuff , and the quality of the products was trusted by all the customers 我們公司引進香港立信常溫液流染色機、高溫高壓液流染色機、筒子染色機及德國布魯克納全電腦控制的熱拉幅定型機等后整理設備。公司配有各種先進測試儀器,使用環保染化料,質量可靠,深受客戶信賴。 |
Flights departing hong kong between 11 p . m . and 7 a . m . in the northeasterly direction have to use the south - bound flight path over the west lamma channel in order to avoid overflying the more densely populated areas in kowloon and on hong kong island at night 晚上11時至早上7時,向東北方向起飛的航機須經西博寮海峽南行航線離開香港,避免在晚間飛越九龍及港島人口稠密的地區; |
The end of the cold war , which opened the way for new transpolar routes overflying russia , along with the development of ultra long - haul aircraft , has created new opportunities for non - stop services between asia and north america 冷戰的結束打通了經過俄羅斯領空并飛躍北極的新航線,再加上超遠程飛機的發展,這都為亞洲和北美洲間的直飛服務創造了新機會。 |
Flights arriving hong kong between midnight and 7 a . m . have to land from the southwest in order to reduce the number of aircraft overflying sha tin , kwai chung , tsing yi , tsuen wan and sham tseng at night 午夜至早上7時,抵港的飛機須從西南面降落,以減少晚間飛越沙田、葵涌、青衣、荃灣及深井的航班; |
The control tower steers some 90 , 000 aircraft overflying hong kong each year , through our sophisticated and professional air traffic control ( atc ) services 此外,我們的空管人員每年也指揮九萬多架次航機飛越香港,這全賴有精確和專業的空管服務。 |
“ this measure will ensure when aircraft unavoidably do overfly populated areas they are at a higher altitude , thus reducing the level of noise impact to the community . 該措施要求飛機在較短距離內爬升至較高的高度,從而減輕飛機噪音對社區的影響。 |
The preferential use of runways and flight paths at night to avoid overflying densely populated areas as much as possible 在深夜時段盡量使用飛經海面的跑道方向及航道,以避免航班在晚間飛越人口稠密的地區。 |
Cleared to climb to 11000m to overfly the thunderstorm , if not possible , please go round the thunderstorm 50km to the right 允許爬高至11000米飛越雷雨,如不可能,向右50公里繞開雷雨。 |
Aircraft destined for mainland may overfly the new territories but would be at a relatively high altitude 而往中國大陸的航班則須北轉在較高的飛行高度飛越新界上空。 |
That ' s not all . the worst thing is that the water closet is dogged and when i flushed it , it overflew 還有呢,最糟糕的是抽水馬桶堵住了。我一沖水,水就冒出來。 |
The worst thing is that the water closet is clogged and when i flushed it , it overflew 最糟糕的是抽水馬桶堵住了,我一沖水,水就冒出來。 |
The journey back took longer than normal , because the plane could not overfly the war zone 回程用的時間比平時長,因為飛機不能飛越戰區 |
The journey back take longer than normal , because the plane can not overfly the war zone 回程用的時間比平時長,因為飛機不能飛越戰區。 |
The river has overflew the bank 河水已溢出了堤岸 |