
overfeed vt.,vi.(overfed ) (給)…吃得太多;給...


So while a thoroughbred ' s genes determine that it will be more or less fully development by the age of two years , it is certainly a risky business ( and one that may have detrimental effects in the longer term ) to overfeed a lanky two year old for the purpose of accelerating its growth for the showing 所以當一個純種的基因決定了,到兩歲的時候它就差不多完全成長了,這無疑是一件冒險事情(在更長的時期可能會有不利的影響)為了促進外表的成長而給兩歲大的消瘦的(馬)過度喂食。

Society member charlotte baldwyn warned : “ by far the most common concern for domestic dogs is obesity . we overfeed at meal times and tend to give titbits for our furry friends . 協會成員夏洛特?鮑德溫警告說: “目前對于(英國)國內的狗來說,最普遍的問題就是肥胖。我們吃的總是過量,而且喜歡留點特別好的東西給我們的寵物吃。

Avoid overfeeding , since obesity can lead to a variety of medical problems , including musculoskeletal problems , and can aggravate hip dysplasia ( abnormal growth or development of the hip joint ) 避免過量的喂食。因為過于肥胖容易引發多種健康問題,包括骨骼肌肉問題,加快髖部發育異常等等。

Society member charlotte baldwyn warned : “ by far the most common concern for domestic dogs is obesity . we overfeed at meal times and tend to give titbits for our furry friends . 協會成員夏洛特鮑德溫警告說: “目前對于英國國內的狗來說,最普遍的問題就是肥胖。

Pet owners are passing on rising levels of obesity by overfeeding their cats and dogs , the country ' s main animal welfare body says 但是,由于寵物主人們對自己的貓貓狗狗過于疼愛,總是讓它們吃得太多,這導致該國寵物肥胖率高得驚人。

However , in a subgroup of rheumatoid arthritis ( ra ) patients , etanercept normalizes an anabolic response to overfeeding 然而,在類風濕性關節炎( ra )患者的一組中,服用依那西普可使因吃的過量引起的合成代謝反應正常化。

Poor artificial feed or overfeeding will cause the water quality to worsen . this is one of the major causes of failure in shrimp breeding 人工飼料品質好壞及投飼過多時,會使池水產生惡化,是生存率降低的原因之一。

The diet of youngstock is a contentious issue as overfeeding or an incorrect diet can lead to problems in later life 小馬駒的飲食是一項有爭議的問題因為過度喂食或飲食不正確會導致今后生活中出現問題。

Overfeeding and lack of exercise mean man ' s best friend is likely to share his pot belly 過量的食物和缺乏鍛煉,使得人類最好的朋友不得不連啤酒肚也一起分享了。

We overfeed at meal times and tend to give titbits for our furry friends . 我們吃的總是過量,而且喜歡留點特別好的東西給我們的寵物吃。

Care must also be exercised to prevent overfeeding , as koi can be gluttonous 但原則上這是對于內行、飼養數少且池水管理良好者而言。

Many pets are victims of overfeeding 有許多寵物因喂食過量而遭殃

Was it a craving to be thought distinguished, a dread of being dull, or merely an effect of overfeeding ? 是指望自己顯得與眾不同,是怕空氣變得沉悶無味,還是只因吃得太飽的結果?