
overeat vt.,vi.(overate; -eaten ) (使...


Excessive energy intake can be caused by frequent consumption of high - fat or high - sugar food , inadequate consumption of fibre - rich foods such as fruits , vegetables , whole grains and beans , and other psychological or behavioural problems leading to overeating 經常進食高脂肪或高糖份食物,并進食太少水果、蔬菜、全谷類食物及豆類等高纖食物,會令身體攝取過多熱量。其他導致進食過量的心理或行為問題,也可能令身體攝取過多熱量。

Instead , we should order fewer dishes for a start , and place additional orders of rice , noodles or other dishes later on when needed . we can also ask for the advice on the number of courses from the waiter to avoid ordering more than what is needed , which may cause overeating 我們可以先點較少菜式,若有需要才點額外的飯、面或菜肴;亦可請侍應就菜式的數量給予意見,以免因為點了太多食物而導致進食過量。

This amazing gem treats hearing disorders , heals diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract , skin conditions , cellular disorders and diseases of the digestive tract . it can stabilize some psychiatric conditions . it protects from overeating 玉,自古以來就是很好護身符,紫玉也不例外,但因為它又是紫色的,屬紫色光,所以許多功能上跟紫晶類似,一樣可以帶來靈感及提高第六感。

The findings , published in the july august issue of alternative therapies in health and medicine , showed that those who practiced yoga tended to avoid junk food and overeating because they wanted to respect their bodies 有關的研究結果發表在替代療法雜志的7 8月合刊上。結果表明,練習瑜伽的人能夠有意識地不吃垃圾食品不吃得過飽,因為他們非常愛惜自己的身體。

Yale university researchers say their study that used lasers to create remote - controlled fruit flies could lead to a better understanding of overeating and violence in humans 美國耶魯大學的科學家們日前表示,他們可以用激光“遙控”果蠅,使其跳躍、行走或是拍打翅膀,而這項研究的最終結果則可能對人們更好地了解人類暴飲暴食的行為和暴力行為有所幫助。

Binge eating disorder ( also known as compulsive overeating ) is characterized primarily by periods of uncontrolled , impulsive , or continuous eating beyond the point of feeling comfortably full 暴食紊亂(又稱作強制暴食)特征主要是周期性失控,沖動或者連續不斷的飲食,直到超出了正常舒適的飽食程度。

“ the problem really is overeating in general , “ he said . “ the portion size put before us is very large , so portion control is the single most important thing “一般來說,問題所在是吃的過多”他說, “每餐食物就量來說是非常大的,所以量的控制是最重要的,你應該知道適可而止。

Overeating does no good to one ' s health . on the contrary , overeating , especially taking in fat food , causes harm physically . so dieting is advisable 吃得太多,并不會使人健康;相反,吃得太多,尤其是吃含脂肪多的食物,會對人體的健康有害。因此,節食是可取的。

One should not eat too much . overeating leads to intake of excess calories , which will make you fat and increase the burden on your heart 健康飲食之道在乎均衡,而且要適可而止。暴飲暴食,容易造成熱量過剩,脂肪積聚,引致肥胖,增加心臟負荷。

Try not to get discouraged . if you overeat one day , go back to your eating plan the next day . you ' re in it for long - term health 即使一次沒有遵守,不要灰心。如果有一天你飲食過度,沒關系,第二天繼續實行原有計劃- -健康飲食是一個長期的戰略。

People who overeat compulsively may struggle with anxiety , depression , and loneliness , which can contribute to their unhealthy episodes of binge eating 強迫過食的人會經常和焦慮,沮喪和孤獨作斗爭,這些會進一步促進不健康的暴食活動。

Aside from promising the company ' s products met safety standards , the statement also advised diners adopt a balanced , diverse diet and avoid overeating 除了承諾食品的絕對安全,聲明還建議人們合理,均衡地飲食,吃東西不要過量。

Aside from promising the company s products met safety standards , the statement also advised diners adopt a balanced , diverse diet and avoid overeating 除了承諾食品的絕對安全,聲明還建議人們合理,均衡地飲食,吃東西不要過量。

The precipitous decline in glucose can also lead to more hunger after a carbohydrate - rich meal and thus contribute to overeating and obesity 葡萄糖的突然降低也會導致在高碳水化合物的一餐后更為饑餓,并造成過度進食及肥胖。

Lack of movement and activity combined with overeating can lead to excess weight and higher cholesterol levels , which can negatively affect your condition 缺乏運動及飲食過量會導致超體重及膽固醇升高,這對你是不利的。

We always eat faster and more when we are hungry . therefore , eat a wholesome breakfast and lunch to avoid overeating at the party 我們總在餓的時候吃得更快更多。因此,要吃好早餐和午餐,以免在派對上吃得過多。

One should avoid overeating , fasting or eating once a day . stale or non - nutritious food , you know , is harmful 應避免吃得過多,過快或者一天只吃一餐。不新鮮的或者沒營養的食品,你知道,會對身體產生很大傷害。

“ we should avoid overeating , consuming too much meat but too few vegetables , or having a high intake of fat in processed food 她說:我們應避免暴飲暴食多肉少菜或進食過多加工食物而造成脂肪攝取量過高等。

Half of the children said they had a habit of overeating or bingeing , which refers to overeating with a feeling of being out of control 一半兒童承認他們有進食過多或貪食的習慣,即過度飲食缺乏控制。