
overdraft n.1.【商業】透支;透支額。2.【冶金】過度通風。


Common financing options include short - term loan , medium - long term loan , overdraft and factoring 較常見的融資途徑有短期商業貸款、中長期商業貸款、透支服務及票據貼現。

Investors can pledge their holdings in the fund to obtain overdraft facilities for maintaining financial flexibility 投資者可抵押本基金,獲取高達其最初投資金額

With overdrafts , business operators may withdraw money within the pre - agreed limit as the needs arise 記賬經營方式的公司可憑這類貸款增加公司資金靈活性。

No overdrafts are permitted and a customer may generally not draw a cheque on a deposit account 存款賬戶不允許透支,客戶一般也不開支票從存款賬戶上取款。

What we will be doing with triggers is facilitating the overdraft protection that some banks offer 我們將要做的是,運用觸發器來促進銀行提供的透支保護。

The case of fraud on letter of credit through malicious overdraft and the investigative counter - measures 惡意透支型信用卡詐騙犯罪案件及其偵查對策

American express bank secured overdraft facility gives you the financial flexibility you desire 透過美國運通銀行資產備用透支,可讓您靈活理財。

For specific terms and conditions , please refer to secured overdraft facility application form 有關之條款及條件,請參閱資產備用透支申請表。

Investors can pledge their holdings to obtain overdraft facilities for maintaining financial flexibility 凡認購每個成份基金,均即可享有

An analysis on dynamics of water table and overdraft of groundwater in the piedmont of mt . taihang 太行山前平原地下水動態及超采原因分析

Ground water overdraft leads to the continuing subsidence of part plain surface 地下水超采現象嚴重,導致流域部分平原區地面持續沉降。

Overdraft on bank 向銀行透支

However , such maximum sum for credit cards that permit overdraft will not be raised 不過,對于允許透支的貸記卡,原定的上限不變。

Overdraft on banks 向銀行同業透支

Attention to malicious overdraft phenomena in the development of village enterprises 鄉鎮企業在發展中應注意惡意透支現象

Secured overdraft facility 資產備用透支

I just got a call from the bank saying i have an overdraft of nt $ 50 , 000 我剛接到銀行打來的電話說我帳戶透支了5萬塊錢。

Overdraft by local banks 本港銀行同業透支

Overdraft by banks abroad 海外銀行同業透支