
overcame overcome 的過去式。


One of the most difficult factors to overcome is the wide operating range . 需要克服的最困難的因素之一是工作量程大。

They overcame all kinds of difficulties by dint of an indomitable spirit . 他們憑仗著頑強不屈的精神克服了重重困難。

As long as we are united , there is no difficulty we can not overcome . 只要大伙兒擰成一股繩,沒有克服不了的困難。

Some hardy spirits made jokes, helping others overcome their fear . 有些膽大的人插科打諢,幫助別人消除害怕心里。

An added voltage is necessary to overcome the barrier thus created . 必須增加一個附加電壓去克服這樣引起的位壘。

But then the delight of a realized ambition overcame him . 可隨后,一陣象已實現了理想般的高興勁兒使他喜不自勝。

One way of overcoming this problem is to incorporate logic circuitry . 解決這個問題的方法之一是引入邏輯電路。

With such drive , there 's no difficulty that they can 't overcome . 沖他們這股子干勁兒,沒有克服不了的困難。

It is the prerequisite for mastering the future and overcoming the past . 這是擯棄過去,掌握未來的必要前提。

The fear of his own death overcame him and he began to moan again . 他忽然警覺自己不久人世,又開始嗚咽起來。

An impulse of feeling now overcame her timidity, and hetty spoke . 一陣感情激動沖破了羞怯,海蒂終于說話了。

There is no special management formula to overcome this dilemma . 沒有一個專門的管理公式來克服這種困境。

Once this difficulty is overcome , other problems will be easy to solve . 攻下這一關,其他問題就好辦了。

Overcome with emotion , he pressed her hand and left her . 他感慨萬千,用力握了一下她的手,離開了她。

He was overcome by fear . 他嚇壞了。

Only the stern spirits of yours can overcome the difficulties . 只有你們的堅強精神才能克服那些困難。

He is overcome by emotion . 他不勝傷感。

Softness can overcome strength . 柔能克剛。

The soft can overcome the hard . 柔能克剛。