
overblow vt.(-blew; -blown )1.(風等)吹散;...


Current bout of deflation should be taken as a process of correction after the bursting of the bubble economy , which has overblown levels of labour costs , rentals , property prices , and hence , the general level of prices 現時的通縮現象只是調整過程的一部份。誠然,過去泡?經濟實在令工資、租金和資產價格過度急升,結果泡?式的財富效應令整體價格水平高企。

But vw executives have made clear that some analysts ' expectations of deep losses in its second most - important market are overblown as official chinese statistics have exaggerated its sales decline 一些分析師預期大眾汽車在其第二重要的市場將嚴重虧損。但大眾高管明確表示,這種預期是夸張的,因為中國官方統計數據夸大了其銷量下降。

In any case , with american politics so evenly divided , fears of the “ dixification of america ” ? that southerners will impose their god - fearing , low - tax ways on everyone else ? are overblown 不管怎樣,由于美國的政治勢力如此均衡,對于“美國南方化” ?即南方人會把他們對上帝的敬畏,低稅政策強加給每個人?的恐懼有點鼓吹過度。

For all that , the notion of a new cold war is overblown : russia is no longer exporting a rival ideology , as the soviet union did , nor fighting proxy wars with america around the globe 雖說如此,可新冷戰的定義已是昨日黃花,俄羅斯既不再像過去蘇聯那樣輸出敵對的意識形態,也不與美國在全球各地展開扶持自己代理人的暗戰。

You can still traverse vast sections of beijing without noticing that it is the christmas season , but many higher - end locales have decorations , most of them garish and overblown 在北京很多地方你仍感受不到圣誕氣息,不過許多比較高級的場所都已扮上了“圣誕妝” ,雖然大多有些艷俗。

They are naturally susceptible to overblown promises made by others and when reality creeps in their response is to seek protection in distorted mistrust 他們天生就容易相信他人所作出的言過其實的承諾,而且當現實爬進來時,他們的反應竟然是在扭曲的失信當中尋找庇護。

Is all this talk of copyright abuse overblown ? is the perceived need to protect yourself from prosecution just another anal - retentive legal formality 譯:這個關于版權濫用的討論都是夸大其辭嗎?意識到保護自己免遭訴訟的必要只是另一種轉眼即忘的法律程序嗎?

Still , says yaron erez , a security expert with manhattan - based vertex security , the danger presented by key bumping may be overblown 然而,曼哈頓頂點安全公司的一名安全專家愛爾茲說,撞鎖引發的危險可能被夸大了。

Meanwhile , andrew speaker ' s father says no one told his son he couldn ' t travel and he feels the incident has been overblown 同時發言人安特魯的父親說沒有人說他的兒子不能旅行,他覺得這件事已經結束了。

If you “ hit not strike back , scold do not start to talk “ , the issue is met possibly also accordingly overblown 假如你“打不還手,罵不開口” ,事情也可能因此會停息了。

Claims that this club has been unable to function since 2005 seem overblown 自2005年以來,歐盟不能正常運轉的說法言之鑿鑿,現在看來是過分夸大。

These concerns are grossly overblown 這是杞人憂天了。

“ i think all this talk about the legitimacy as a way overblown . “我想小布什的支持率簡直是高得驚人。 ”

- overblown - if only he could see -過度吹噓-只要他能看得出

Overblown - if only he could see -過度吹噓-只要他能看得出

The revier has overblowed of the embankment 河水已溢出了堤岸

This talk about legitimacy is overblown 這合法性的問題已經傳得太離譜了