
overawe vt.使畏縮,嚇住,威壓。


To insure the overawing force and the actual combat force , the navy of every country in the world is developing the naval surface war - ships studiedly . at the same time , they also focus on the development of the new generation weapon under water , such as anechoic submarine 世界各國海軍為確保海上的威懾力量和實戰力量,除有計劃地發展水面艦艇外,重點是發展新一代的以隱身潛艇為主的水下武器裝備。

The entire metropolitan centre possessed a high and mighty air calculated to overawe and abash the common applicant , and to make the gulf between poverty and success seem both wide and deep 整個都市中心顯出一種財大氣粗,高不可攀的氣勢,為的是讓那些普通的求職者望而生畏,不敢問津,也為的是讓貧富之間的鴻溝顯得又寬又深。

Reading have not been overawed in the premiership this term and a clever run down the right from glen little which needed a timely intervention from ricardo carvalho demonstrated their attacking intent 雷丁并沒有被威懾到,里特爾右路一次靈巧的突破傳中讓卡瓦略不得不及時封堵,這表明了他們進攻的決心。

Manager adrian boothroyd knows his side is up against it , but isdesperate for his players not to be overawed by their more illustriousopponents 教練艾德里安布思羅伊德知道他的球隊面臨很大的困難,但仍渴望他的球員不會畏懼比他們有名氣得多的對手。

Even the japanese emperor hirohito never forgot being overawed by the style of his british royal hosts on his first trip to europe in the 1920s 即使是日本的裕仁天皇也不會忘記在1920年代訪歐的旅程中,被英國王室排場驚嚇到的情形。

The scorers in that victory against mark hughes ' side - papa bouba diop and captain luis boa morte are two players who won ' t be overawed by the clash with chelsea 上一場中的球員迪奧普和博阿莫特聲稱不會被不可一視的切爾西嚇倒。

Overawed ( 11 ) on meeting hollywood legend lauren bacall , he spluttered ( 12 ) , “ i so enjoyed your black - and - white films . 見到好萊塢傳奇人物勞倫?巴考爾的時候,他太震撼了,語無倫次地說: “我特別喜歡您的黑白電影。 ”

Overawed on meeting hollywood legend lauren bacall , he spluttered , “ i so enjoyed your black - and - white films . 見到好萊塢傳奇人物勞倫巴考爾的時候,他太震撼了,語無倫次地說: “我特別喜歡您的黑白電影。 ”

A noted comic opera comedian was holding forth that week , and the air of distinction and prosperity overawed her 一個著名的滑稽歌劇演員本周在這里公演,那種赫赫聲名和豪華氣派把她震住了。

I was touched by his gentle tone , and overawed by his high , calm mien 我被他溫和的語調所打動,也被他傲慢鎮定的神態所震懾。

He was not overawed , he was not overbold 他并不嚇得唯唯諾諾,也不太放肆大膽。

He was so very slender, keen, hatchet-faced and well-dressed that clyde was not only impressed but overawed at once . 他個子細長,為人精明,一副瘦長面孔,衣服穿得很講究,克萊德見了不只是印象很深,而且馬上對他肅然起敬。

Dixon regarded her as one of his allies, though sometimes she overawed him a little with her mature air . 狄克遜把她當作自己的盟友,雖然有時她那深思熟慮的姿態使他感到有點敬而遠之。

It is important not to be overawed by the mathematical jargon . 要緊的是不要被數學的術語所嚇倒。

Do n't be overawed by authorities and big names .. 不要被權威名人所嚇倒。