overarch vt.,vi.在…上架成圓拱形。
vt.,vi. 在…上架成圓拱形。 “overarching strategy“ 中文翻譯: 支配性戰略“overapplied overhead“ 中文翻譯: 超額攤派間接費用; 多分配間接費用; 多分攤制造費用“overarm“ 中文翻譯: adj. 【棒球、板球】舉手過肩的,由上朝下的;【泳】(劃水時)手臂伸出水面的。 n. 【機械工程】橫桿。 “overapplied ooverhead“ 中文翻譯: 過多分配間接費用“overarm crown to bottom sleeve“ 中文翻譯: 袖長袖頂到袖口“overapplied manufacturing overhead“ 中文翻譯: 過多分配制造費用“overarm length“ 中文翻譯: 手臂上端的長度“overapplied factory overhead“ 中文翻譯: 過多分配工廠間接費; 制造費用過度分配“overarm method“ 中文翻譯: 肩上投擲法“overapplied expense“ 中文翻譯: 過多分配費用
overarm |
The contents will use innovation and technology to display the uk s strengths in sustainable development , creating a stimulating and long - lasting showcase to illustrate how british culture , media , sport , education and business is supporting expo s overarching better city , better life theme . the six shortlisted uk 整體設計將充分運用創新及科技來展示英國在可持續發展中的優勢,通過有激勵作用及長遠展示效果的設計突出英國的文化,媒體,運動,教育以及商業,并在這些方面充分體現出世博會的主題 |
It argues that not a single mode is perfect for the ever - changing situations of the community and the working plan . thus , the top evaluating criterion for the modes is whether it can bring the utmost welfare to the most unprivileged of the community , and in the long run , whether it tally with the overarching principle of equality and justice 衡量某一種社區工作模式是否可被接受或應該選取的最可行(但不是唯一)的指標,不是由機構和社區工作計劃(或其顧問)的決定,而是在于該模式能否為區內最貧乏和最不幸者帶來最大的福利和權利伸張。 |
Or again , note the meanderings of some purling rill as it babbles on its way , fanned by gentlest zephyrs tho quarrelling with the stony obstacles , to the tumbling waters of neptune s blue domain , mid mossy banks , played on by the glorious sunlight or neath the shadows cast o er its pensive bosom by the overarching leafage of the giants of the forest . what about that , simon ? he asked over the fringe of his newspaper “再則,請注意那打著漩渦蜿蜒曲折地嘩嘩淌去的淚淚溪流與攔住去路的巖石搏斗,在習習西風輕拂下,沖向海神所支配的波濤洶涌的蔚藍領國;沿途,水面上蕩漾著燦爛的陽光,兩邊的堤岸爬滿青苔,森林中的巨樹那架成拱形的繁葉48 ,將蔭影投射于溪流那憂郁多思的胸脯上。 |
The report published by the commission on strategic development in 2000 has articulated the vision of hong kong . it says : “ the implementation of hong kong s long - term vision should also be guided by a number of overarching goals , including enhancing income and living standards for all members of society ; ensuring that hong kong becomes the most attractive major city in asia in which to live and work ; developing a socially cohesive and stable society that recognises that the community s diversity strengthens its cosmopolitan outlook ; contributing to the modernisation of china while also supporting hong kong s long - term development . 29 .策略發展委員會在二零零零年發表的報告中,為香港勾畫出這樣的遠景要實現香港的遠景,應努力達致多項重要目標,包括提高?民的收入和生活水平提升生活質素,把香港建設為亞洲最具吸引力的城市安居樂業的好地方增強港人的凝聚力,維持社會穩定,并確認香港的多元化特色可提升其國際大都會形象對中國現代化進程作出貢獻,并有利于香港的長遠發展。 |
In the end , however , marshall s vision was only half realized , because joseph stalin slammed the door on marshall s offer of assistance . within a matter of years , the world was divided into two armed camps . and deterrence , not prevention , became the overarching security strategy of the cold war 今天我們面臨著一項抉擇,一是激化隔離、不滿及更多失落的前途;另一則是勇氣與智慧的道路,朝向團結、修好及充滿機會的道路前進,讓所有的美國人都能盡情發揮上帝所賦予的生命。 |
The panel commended cuhk on its many good management practices , in particular , its resource allocation processes , the effective implementation and monitoring of plans , the planning , re - deployment and development of human resources as well as its overarching it strategy . the panel found significant evidence to praise that the university has been successful in generating a service culture 小組贊揚及確認中大的多項妥善管理措施,尤其欣賞中大在資源分配程序、在有效地推行及監察各項計劃、在人力資源規劃、重新調配與培訓發展,以及在資訊科技策略各方面的表現。 |
As with any enterprise architecture engagement , there is an inherent need to ensure that you always maintain both an overarching “ city planning “ view as well as focusing on the detailed design of the individual services to be deployed within the soa 對于任何企業體系結構( enterprise architecture )約定,都存在一個內在的需求,即確保始終維護統帥全局的“城市規劃( city planning ) ”視界,并專注于將在soa中部署的單個服務的詳細設計。 |
Rather than give an overarching theory of how children learn , john holt , the father of the modern home school movement , uses anecdotal observations that question assumptions about how children acquire knowledge and learning skills 關于兒童的學習規律,現代家校運動之父約翰?霍爾特并非通過提出某種深刻而又全面的理論,而是通過引子式的觀察和思考,對各種有關兒童是如何獲取知識和學習技能的學說提出質疑。 |
Though not lovers , it is the dynamic of their understated relationship that triggers the film s most affecting moments . after all , the train rides , phone conversations and even casual interactions ultimately allude to the overarching theme of connection 淺野忠信是二手書店老板,又是火車狂,愛上一青窈,兩人不斷流連咖啡廳、書店與火車,閑話家常之馀對話不多,卻一切盡在不言中。 |
Our overarching aim takes us well beyond the successful treatment of illness to new insights into head , neck and throat cancers and the enhancement of human communication by means of the latest technologies and refinements in scientific knowledge 這個遠大的目標驅使我們不單在治療上,更要利用現今最新的科技及科研精髓,開拓耳鼻咽喉、頭頸癌及人類傳意科學的發展。 |
The overarching goal that china has set itself - addressing the social , environmental , economic and political aspects of the international agenda together and with equal weight - echoes the principles that guide my own foreign policy 中國給自己設定的總體目標,以同等重視程度同時解決國際議程中的社會、環境、經濟和政治問題,與與我本人外交政策的原則一脈相通。 |
Travelling to lg - imprinted futurescape where robots and humans are wrapped within the throes of pained ecstasies , the number 2046 becomes an overarching symbol of the place where we all whisper our darkest secrets 他透過一個世俗化周慕云的角色,發展多重人物關系,并延續記憶與時間的題旨,將感情帶進過去與未來的封閉循環之中。 |
All g8 countries , including the united states , agreed that the overarching convention provides the framework for research into the issue . many observers say this is not enough 包括美國在內的八個成員國認為整個公約為研究該問題提供了合理的框架。許多觀察員說這樣還很不夠。 |
Chung , 63 , had spent much of his career running hyundai ' s after - sales service division , a post that required no overarching vision or boardroom combat 63歲的鄭夢九以前多數時間的業務是管理現代公司的售后服務部門,該部門并不需要總攬全局的視野或緊張的董事會內部爭斗。 |
“ one overarching statement about hedge fund buyers , would be that they are decisive , they are risk - takers , and they understand the market and the nuances very quickly “概括地講,對沖基金行業的買家決策果斷,敢冒風險,能非常迅速地理解市場及作品的差異。 ” |
Governance provides an overarching structure in order to support the customers business objectives on strategic , functional , and operational levels 治理提供了一種拱形( overarching )的結構,其目的是為了從戰略性、功能性和操作性層次上支持用戶的業務目標。 |
Noting the importance of capacity building for women , mrs leung said this would be the overarching theme of the work of the women s commission this year 有鑒于提升婦女能力的重要性,梁劉柔芬表示婦女事務委員會已將能力提升作為今年工作的綜合主題。 |
The school has an overarching role , that of encouraging and enabling students to engage with issues and practices that run across the practice of fine art 學院提供了一個平臺,使學生學生能夠創作一些跨越這些傳統藝術領域的作品,并鼓勵他們這方面的實踐。 |
To be clear , process is the overarching design framework or example , an iterative , or spiral , process or a sequential , or waterfall , process 清晰的說,進程是成拱形的設計框架,或者例如,一個重復的例子,螺旋型的進程或者連續性的,或者瀑布似的進程。 |