
ovation n.熱烈的歡迎,熱烈的鼓掌,歡呼;(古羅馬)小凱旋式。


“ definitely happy to be here , “ said bynum , who got a warm ovation when he left the game in the final minute . “ i ' m happy they didn ' t trade me “在這里非常開心, ”拜納姆說,在最后時間他離場時受到熱烈的歡迎, “我很高興他們沒有交易我,他們看我到在今年夏天的努力,我猜他們認為留下我是對的。 ”

The student body applauded and gave her a standing ovation and they decide they would help her find a million thank you cards . not long after that the word started to spread 迷霧已被驅散,她知道自己的目標,她分享了自己的異象,贏得全體同學的掌聲,他們甚至起立致意,并決定幫助她收集這

“ the bravos and the ovation burst forth as though catapulted from the soul of the audience the ollin yoliztli hall . a magnificent way to initiate the 1999 concert season 從奧林?約莉茲特麗音樂廳爆發出的歡呼和喝彩就好像發自于聽眾們的靈魂。這次偉大的表演拉開1999年音樂季的序幕!

Unlike other vendors , with its ovation system emerson is able to address both the instrumentation and control and electrical systems with a single , integrated automation solution 不同于其他供應商,艾默生可以在一個單一集成自動化解決方案中,提供儀器儀表以及控制和電氣系統。

Despite having just one practice and one shootaround with the lakers , gasol was in the starting lineup and received a loud ovation when he was announced during introductions 盡管只進行了一次全隊訓練和投籃練習,當加索爾在賽前先發陣容介紹時還是獲得了觀眾的熱烈歡迎。

The audience at the national association of black - owned broadcasters gala dinner certainly seemed satisfied , giving the mother of four a standing ovation 而那天前來參加美國黑人廣播學會慶祝宴會的觀眾顯然對弗蘭克林感到非常滿意,他們對她報以長時間的熱烈掌聲。

The problem with speaking here is , the people are very conservative . very conservative . if you ' re a big hit , they give you a nodding ovation 在這兒演講有個問題,這兒的人們太保守了,非常保守,如果你的演講非常有震撼力,他們也只是點點頭,算是歡呼了。

Eg envision yourself as a successful speaker , speaking a at a packed auditorium , the audience giving a standing ovation when you finished your speech 例如想像自己是一個成功的演說家,在滿場群眾的禮堂中演講,在演說結束后,聽眾都起立為你鼓掌。

Dynamic efficiency focuses on i ovation and measures how well a producer adapts to changes in co umers ' tastes for different goods and services 動態效率則注重于革新,衡量生產者能否追隨顧客對各種產品和服務興趣的變化而改革自己的生產。

During the ceremony for the “ world spiritual leadership award “ , the supreme master ching hai holds her palms together to acknowledge the guests standing ovation 獲頒世界精神領袖獎時,清海無上師合掌向起立觀禮的大眾致意。

During the ceremony for the “ world spiritual leadership award “ , the supreme master ching hai holds her palms together to acknowledge the guests standing ovation 獲頒世界精神領袖獎時,清海無上師合掌向起立觀禮的大眾致意。

During the ceremony for the “ world spiritual leadership award “ , the supreme master ching hai holds her palms together to acknowledge the guests standing ovation 獲頒世界精神領袖獎時,清海無上師合掌向起立觀禮的大眾致意。

All audience gave her an standing ovation and sang together with her [ moon represents my heart ] as the closing song of anita mui ' s concert in singapore 梅艷芳演唱會壓軸超熱,數千名觀眾站起來,為她演唱《月亮代表我的心》 !

On 26 may , 1996 he was given a standing ovation of the riazor crowd when he was substituted in the match against his former club barcelona 1996年5月26日,當他在與巴薩的比賽中被換下時,得到了全場的起立鼓掌歡送。

Platini immediately invited johansson , given a standing ovation by the delegates , to become an honorary president of uefa 普拉蒂尼隨后即刻邀請了約翰遜成為歐洲足聯的名譽主席,得到了代表們長時間的起立鼓掌。

This recital debut by lang lang is best referred to as a triumph , it was appreciated by the audience with standing ovations and five encores 當晚的現場觀眾沉醉于柔和的琴音中,對郎朗的音樂才華贊嘆不已。

They sent many experts to make technology lectures , which owns students ' ovation . through these , we appreciated their techology strenth adequately 講座結束后,科大的同學們還送給彭老師一個精致的小禮物。

His allure still resonates here , and he received a warm ovation from partisans of both teams when he was announced before the game 他仍然是個洋基人,開賽介紹出場時也受到現場他的死忠球迷溫暖的鼓勵。

Past ri president charles c . keller gives a standing ovation at dinner celebrating the impact of rotary ' s peace programs 國際扶輪前社長查理斯?凱勒在晚餐慶祝扶輪的和平計畫的影響時起立鼓掌。