
ovary n.【植物;植物學】子房;【解剖學】卵巢。


In contrast with the ovary , pure benign teratomas of the testis are very rare 與卵巢相比,睪丸中單純良性畸胎瘤是非常少見的。

Effect on ovary cell ultrasructures of the rat by taking overodsage of mifepristone 超量米非司酮對大鼠卵巢細胞微細結構的作用

Therapeutic effects of jinqi jiangtang tablet on women with polycystic ovary syndrome 金芪降糖片治療多囊卵巢綜合征的臨床研究

Expression of uncoupling proteins 2 in human ovaries and its relationship with age 解耦聯蛋白2在人卵巢的表達及與年齡的關系

Treatment of 40 cases of pubertal polycystic ovary syndrome with chinese medicine 中藥人工周期治療青春期多囊卵巢綜合征40例

Of ovary , 2001 - 2005 的年標準化死亡率

Style the stalklike portion of a carpel , joining the ovary and the stigma 花柱:為心皮的一部分,是連接子房和柱頭的結構。

Effect of cadmium on body weight and organ coefficient of ovaries in female rats 鎘對雌性大鼠體重變化和卵巢臟器系數的影響

Comparative study on morphology of mouse ovary tissue in three freezing protocols 小鼠卵巢組織在不同冷凍方案中形態學比較

50g crab ovary 125g crab meat 蟹肉125克

The cancer can affect one or both ovaries , the organs that produce eggs 癌癥會影響一個或兩個卵巢,卵巢是排卵的器官。

Hft expresses in roots , leaves , tepals , stamens and ovaries in the plant 在植株上, hft基因在根和葉中高水平表達。

Progress in research on insulin resistance of women with polycystic ovary syndrome 多囊卵巢綜合征的胰島素抵抗研究進展

The cancer can affect one or both ovaries , the organs that produce eggs 癌癥可以影響一邊生產卵子的卵巢或兩邊都影響。

The cancer can affect one or both ovaries , the organs that produce eggs 癌細胞會轉移至單側或雙側產生卵子器官- -卵巢。

Pcos polycystic ovary syndrome 多囊卵巢綜合征

Neoplasm of ovary , 2001 - 2004 的年標準化發病率

The cancer can affect one or both ovaries , the organs that produce eggs 癌癥會影響一個或兩個這種排卵器官卵巢。

The fertilized ovule becomes the seed , and the ovary becomes the fruit 已受精的卵子成為種子,而子房變成了果實。