
outwit vt.(-tt-)1.哄騙;瞞住;給…上當;機智上勝過。...


Of course , they could squirm as they perished , as the socialists squirmed , as the speaker on the platform and the perspiring crowd were squirming even now as they counselled together for some new device with which to minimize the penalties of living and outwit the cosmos 當然,他們在被消滅時可以蠕動掙扎,正像此刻社會主義者們在蠕動掙扎,臺上那個發言人在蠕動掙扎,現在流著汗的人群在蠕動掙扎一樣。他們正在商量新的辦法,要想竭力減少生活的鞭撻,擊敗宇宙的法則。

Scarlett had no awe of her father and felt him more her conterm - porary than her sisters , for jumping fences and keeping it a secret from his wife gave him a boyish pride and guilty glee that matched her own pleasure in outwitting mammy 斯卡利特不害怕她父親,而且覺得他比她的妹妹們更象她的同齡人,把跳籬笆這事瞞著他妻子讓他感到一種孩子似的驕傲和帶有負疚感的快樂,就象她以機智勝過媽咪后所獲得的歡愉一樣。

Lam goes to the us embassy with “ the avenger “ to claim the 30 million reward offered by the us government but is outwitted by a staff there named owen richie jen , who manages to con the plates out of him and flee to korea 美雪查出領事館對owen已展開調查,并得知他身在韓國。貴仁立即趕赴當地,并重新召集多名韓籍靚女助手。他們查出owen居無定所,只租了一輛客貨車,于是展跟蹤。

When herod realized that he had been outwitted by the magi , he was furious , and he gave orders to kill all the boys in bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under , in accordance with the time he had learned from the magi 16希律見自己被博士愚弄、就大大發怒、差人將伯利恒城里、并四境所有的男孩、照著他向博士仔細查問的時候、凡兩歲以里的、都殺盡了。

They are trying to outwit would - be cheats this exam season by cutting off internet access from laptops , demanding the surrender of cellphones before tests or simply requiring that exams be taken with pens and paper 他們試圖通過切斷手提電腦的網絡連接來減少考試作弊行為,要求考生考試前關閉手機,或者直接要求用紙筆答題。

Before that , my life was always agitated by a tangle of tricks , feints , and illusions intended to outwit the countless lures that tried to turn me into anything but a writer 在那段時間中,我的生命總是因為種種哄騙、假像和幻覺,而激動不安,如果沒有它們,我一定無法戰勝無數誘惑,不當作家而改投其他行業。

That is a big “ if ” . economists frequently explain eccentric behaviour with a model of two rational agents in one body , battling to outwit each other 這是一個巨大的“如果” 。經濟學家經常用一種模型來解釋古怪的行為,即一個主體內有兩個理性行動者,它們爭著顯示自己比對方高明。

We witness how each one cunningly outwits the super - predators in its own special way , with extra - sharp senses and other strategies for survival 觀眾可以在一個小時節目內看盡?們的生存技倆,如何狡猾地運用敏銳的感官功能,以妙計誘騙掠奪者墮入圈套。

Stooge - like antics result as the trio try to outwit the rich widow and her scheming big - shot lawyer , who also wants to run the ballet 三人欲極力智勝同樣想管理芭蕾公司的有錢寡婦和他的大牌律師,其中滑稽夸張,笑料百出。

The times , a sponsor of the expedition , had used an elaborate code to outwit any rivals monitoring the radio waves 倫敦《泰晤士報》是探險的一個贊助商,該報社使用了一種精細的代碼來瞞住了任何監控無線短波的新聞記者們。

Garfield : i make a point to get it good every day . the real question , luca , is how shall i outwit you this time 加菲貓:我每天都打定主意要得到它呀。盧卡,關鍵的問題是,這回我怎樣才能在智慧上勝過你。

The robbers appear to consistently be one step ahead of the police , outwitting frazier and mitchell at every turn 而這幫劫匪卻似乎總是可以搶先警方一步行動,處處都比弗萊澤爾和米切爾更勝一籌。

Now it ' s up to michael , nikita and birkoff to outwit the a . i . before section one and everyone inside it are destroyed 現在,唯有靠碧高、力姬與米高與假碧高斗智斗力,方可拯救組織內的成員。

By outwitting sholmes , arsene lupin is , once and for all , proved to be the world ' s greatest criminal genius 由于智取摩爾福斯,亞森羅蘋徹底證明了他是世界上最厲害的犯罪天才。

Here of course there is not only the exercise of skill but the outwitting of a skilled opponent 當然這里不僅運用了技巧,而且還在智力較量上勝過了一個本領高超的對手。

This was to insure the success of the map carvers , as the dark would surely outwit them otherwise 這些是為了保證地圖切割者們的成功,否則黑暗將會繼續欺騙他們。

He just tried to outwit destiny for one week . then he would stay alive . that s what he thought 他想盡辦法要在這個星期逃過這一劫,他認為這樣自己就會活下去。

In the next moment the magistrate was laughing long and loud , for hannah had again outwitted him 過了一會,裁判官高聲大笑,因為[漢納]再一次贏了他。

Goldman ' s shares are valued less richly than those of competitors it so obviously outwits 高盛的股票比對手的價值要低,盡管它明顯勝過這些公司。