
outwards adv.在外,向外;在外部;外表上;表面上;向國外。 a...


To be an anthroposophist in today ' s world means to be a pioneer , whether that pioneering is directed primarily inwards or outwards 作為一個人智學者,意味著就是一個當今世界的先驅者,無論其所引領的是指向完初的內心世界還是外部世界。

Deep fried and served with thick gravy and vinegar , the dish takes the shape of chrysanthemum in blossom with its sliced meat turning outwards 菊花青魚,青魚塊加工后,經油炸,肉翻開如盛開菊花,加調料鹵汁,色澤棗紅,酸甜適口。

Air to port a forces the pistons outwards , causing the pinion to turn counterclockwise while the air is being exhausted from port b 壓縮空氣有a口輸入,使左右活塞向相反方向運動,輸出軸逆時針方向運轉,兩活塞側面的空氣由b口排出。

Air to port a forces the pistons outwards , causing the pinion to turn counterclockwise while the air is being exhausted from port b 壓縮空氣由a口輸入,使左右活塞向相反方向運動,輸出軸逆時針方向運轉,兩活塞側面的空氣由b口排出。

Usage : after skin wetting , apply small amount onto face , gently massage skin outwards using spiral movement , then rinse off with clear water 用法:濕面后,擠出少許涂于面部由內向外的方向輕輕打圈按摩,稍后用清水沖洗干凈即可。

While our marketing economy opening outwards continuously , our participation of international business negotiation become more and more frequently 我國市場經濟的對外開放的不斷擴大,我國參與國際商務談判也越來越頻繁。

He pulled himself upright and began to run along the roof ; his foot struck against a piece of stone and he fell , outwards from the roof 他馬上站起來,沿著樓頂逃跑;因腳碰在一塊石頭上,他從樓頂跌到外面去了。

The lower pair of fog lamps remain faithful to the car ' s predecessor and are directed outwards as was typical of the rally cars at that time 下一雙霧燈具忠于轎車的前身,是針對向外是典型的集會上車,當時

Within the design , there are views and vantage points , outwards to shanghai and inwards to the pavilion s central event space 這個設計表達了積極的觀點,對外到整個上海,對內是到展館中心活動區域。

He built another fence round his cave . now he made holes in the wall and placed his guns in them , pointing outwards 他在洞穴周圍又筑起了一道籬笆。然后在圍墻上鑿些洞孔,把槍插進去,槍口朝外。

From 230 , 000 miles away , the moon ' s gravity pulls on the earth , dragging the ocean outwards in a bulge of water that creates a tide 圣島上蟹會乘機產卵,藉潮漲時讓卵子隨水飄到大海成長。

The seat is pressed into the body cavity and can be removed by inserting a finger in the center of the seat and pulling outwards 閥座壓在閥腔內,可以用手指插入閥座中心往外拉將其拆卸。

Property grows during the 5 seconds , causing the white gradient to grow outwards and produce an explosion effect 特性在5秒鐘內漸漸變大,從而使白色漸變色向外變大并產生爆炸效果。

Sannyas is falling out of those trips , dropping out of those trips and , rather than looking outwards , turning in 桑雅士就是從這些旅程中脫離、從對外追尋轉為往內在探索。

But it doesn ' t just explode . as its surface layers blast outwards its core is smash ed inwards 但事情又不象爆炸那樣簡單。當它的外層被炸飛時,它的內核卻在向內塌陷。

When she spins round fast , her skirt moves outwards and upwards until it is sticking out all round her 當她快速旋轉時,她的裙子向外向上飄動直到完全張開。

Malignant melanomas start by growing outwards form the skin , then growing downwards into the skin 惡性黑素瘤初時會在表皮向外生長,然后再深入皮膚。

1 . turn each kaleidocycle inwards or outwards . how many pictures does each kaleidocycle contain 1 .翻動不同的萬花環,每個萬花環到底包含多少幅圖片?

Energy is not consumed but recharged , to be focused outwards into the world 兩人的精力不是在耗費而是在重新蓄滿,以繼續朝著自己的目標與理想前行。