
outspan vt.,vi.〔南非〕(由車上)解開(牛);卸(馬具)。...


In front of a house like a warehouse , he stopped the coach , he got the stirrup - piece with his feet quickly , and outspaned for three horses very fast , then he drew the horses to be away , and no any sayings left 在一間好似倉庫的門前,他“吁、吁”地把牲口呵止住,一腳蹬起車底盤下的支架,三下五除二地把三匹馬卸了套,管自牽走了馬,一句話也沒有給我們留下。

He closed his long thin lips an instant but , eager to be on , raised an outspanned hand to his spectacles and , with trembling thumb and ringfinger touching lightly the black rims , steadied them to a new focus 他那長長的薄嘴唇閉了一下。但他急于說下去,就將一只扎煞開來的手舉到眼鏡那兒,用顫巍巍的拇指和無名指輕輕扶了一下黑色鏡框,使眼鏡對準新的焦點。