
outshine vt.(-shone; -shining) 比…亮,比…...


But prof rushton , who was born in bournemouth and obtained his doctorate in social psychology from the london school of economics , argues that the faster maturing of girls leads to them outshining boys in the classroom 魯什頓教授他說,女孩比男孩學習好是因為女孩比男孩成熟得早。魯什頓教授出生在伯恩茅斯鎮,在倫敦經濟學院獲得了社會心理學博士學位。

Not already been the era that the communication company “ outshines others “ now , china mobile , coherent and zibo electrical home appliances successively in zibo list to set up the branch company iron china telecom chinaunicom 現在已不是通信公司“一枝獨秀”的時代,中國移動、中國聯通、中國電信、中國鐵通及淄博廣電先后在淄博掛牌設立分公司。

Never before will a 2 - way bookshelf speaker sound so big and with such details in its sonic reproduction . the quick and agile bass region goes below 40hz , easily outshines many large floorstanding speakers at higher price range 鋁帶高音與德國陶瓷低音完美結合,順滑流暢,精準,力量雄渾兼備!能創造出如此寬宏及豐滿細節音效的二路音箱實無出其右。

Pack the design is a main form that is the product sense of vision to inform , position accurate match the packing design of the consumer mental state , can make business enterprise outshine others in numerous competition brands 包裝設計是作為產品視覺傳達的主要形式,定位準確符合消費者心理的包裝設計,能使企業在眾多競爭品牌中脫穎而出。

Sometimes a wheel was off the ground , it seemed , for many yards ; sometimes a stone was sent spinning over the hedge , and flinty sparks from the horse s hoofs outshone the daylight 有時候,馬車有一個輪子離開了地面,好像跑出去好幾碼遠有時候,馬車又帶起一塊石子,旋轉著飛過樹籬馬蹄踏在燧石上,火花飛濺出來,比日光還亮。

Snow mountain of italy alps , the baroque style cabinet utmost extends the visual space and reveals the smooth and natural beauty of art , which outshine other cabinet 意大利阿爾卑斯山的雪峰,這款巴洛克主義風格的櫥柜,最大限度的擴展了視覺空間,線條感極強體現了自然流暢的藝術美感,有著專業櫥柜無法抗拒的優雅風度。

Centuries of debris is outshined by the ancient city and its rich legacy , and the value of the unique wu culture permeates every corner of the region . sunshine after snowfall on tiger hill 即使是數千年歷史的厚厚塵埃也掩不住蘇州古城史跡的熠熠光輝,封不住深深地滲透在每一角落的吳文化獨具地方個性的內涵。

A parallel situation has arisen in midfield where another african player signed from a french club - michael essien - has outshone the summer ' s other expensive purchase , michael ballack 同樣的情形也出現在了中場球員埃辛和巴拉克的身上,和德羅巴同來自法甲的埃辛現在的狀態遠好于身價昂貴的巴拉克。

Let company does the website outshine others from the innumerable of together the quality website ? this is exactly what “ webpage designing link one by one “ value 如何讓客戶公司網站從眾多的網站中品質鶴立雞群與順位名列前矛?這一直“流動世界網頁設計“所努力與思考的制作主軸方向。

This was the aircraft that was to begin boeing ' s recovery after years when its aeroplanes were outshone by the new models rolling out of airbus ' s hangars in toulouse 此前幾年,空客圖盧茲基地陸續推出的幾款新機型,總讓波音的客機相形見絀,正是穆拉利的777令波音公司重振旗鼓。

Astronomers have also detected older and smaller m stars , previously thought to be quite dim , that actually outshine the sun in their x - ray emission 天文學家還探測到有一些較老較小的m型星,它們發射的x射線實際上比太陽更加光輝燦爛,而先前人們卻認為它們是十分幽暗的。

In the end its all about quality dinner conversation , and a rare trip aboard the space station will always outshine stories of another yachting trip to greece 畢竟,所有的一切都是為了餐桌上的談資,而空間站的難得經歷總是比又乘游艇到希臘暢游一次的話題來得更體面。

She was so outshone publicly by her husband that , as his widow , she could scarcely credit that people might want to come and visit her for her own sake 在公眾心目中,她的丈夫的名聲比她大得多。因此,在守寡以后,她根本不相信人們會為了她的緣故來探望她。

However , gold was outshone in 2003 by other precious metals . silver gained 25 per cent , hitting $ 6 a troy ounce for the first time since may 1998 然而,其它貴重金屬在2003年的表現比黃金還要出色。銀價上升了25 % ,自1998年5月后首次達到每盎司6美元的價位。

Model is unique , taste is elegant , quality draws with outstanding acoustics in in the homeland piano manufacturing industry to perform a function , to outshine others 造型獨特,品味高雅,以優異的聲學品質和演奏性能,在國內鋼琴制造業中一枝獨秀。

What people fear when they engage in the struggle is not that they fail to get their breakfast next morning , but that they will fail to outshine their neighbours 人們進行斗爭時害怕的不是他們第二天早上沒有飯吃,而不是不能超過他們的鄰居。

For instance , most people know those born under gemini tend to be sharp and smart , and virgos outshine others in the areas of prudence and neatness 舉例來說,大多數人都知道雙子座的人通常都很機靈及聰明;處女座的人則以謹慎、愛好整潔見長。

Jessica wanted fine clothes , and mrs . hurstwood , not to be outshone by her daughter , also frequently enlivened her apparel 杰西卡不斷要添置漂亮的新衣服,赫斯渥太太不愿意讓女兒蓋過自己,所以也不斷更新她的服飾。

In the season of joy i present my sincerest wishes and kindest thoughts . may this christmas outshine all the rest 在這歡樂的時節給你我最真的祝福和親切的思念,我和我的女老板獻上一切美好的祝福!祝一切順心如意!