
outpouring n.瀉出,流出;(情感等的)流露,洋溢;迸發;〔主 pl...


No one who was in new york during the dark days that followed could fail to be touched and encouraged by the outpouring of international support for my country and its people , by the strong sense of solidarity that immediately emerged , and by the conviction that september 11 was an attack on all of the international community and its values , not just on the united states 在那些最黑暗的日子里,所有身在紐約的人無不為國際社會對我的國家和人民所傾注的支持、及之后所呈現的團結所感動和鼓舞。恐怖分子的襲擊不僅是針對美國,而是對整個國際社會和他們所秉承的價值觀的挑戰。

And from the top he could see the country , bright rows of lights at stacks gate , smaller lights at tevershall pit , the yellow lights of tevershall and lights everywhere , here and there , on the dark country , with the distant blush of furnaces , faint and rosy , since the night was clear , the rosiness of the outpouring of white - hot metal 在山上,他可以看見整個鄉村,史德門的一排一排的火光,達娃斯哈煤小燈光和達娃斯哈村里的黃光。昏暗的鄉村里,隨處都是光,遠過地,他可以看見,高爐在發著輕淡的粉紅色,因為夜色清明,白熱的金屬發著玫瑰的顏色,史德門的電燈光,又尖銳又刺眼!

On one hand , novels about human relationship outpouring new aesthetic consciousness of common customs which are different from historical - biography literature on the whole structure , the tongue and selecting characters of novels son the other hand , they are related each other , and novels about human relationship inherit the traditional aesthetic consciousness of historical - biography literature on creation motive and principle , and the romantic 一方面,世情小說在小說人物的選取、整體結構及小說的語言上,明顯流露出不同于史傳文學的新的平民化、世俗化的審美意識;但另一方面,在這種新變中,世情小說又表現出與史傳文學千絲萬縷的聯系,在創作動機、創作原則、傳奇性等諸多方面承襲了源自史傳文學的傳統的審美意識。

Was not the gleaning of the grapes of ephraim better than the vintage of abi - ezer ? so spoke love renascent , preparing the way for tess s devoted outpouring , which was then just being forwarded to him by his father ; though owing to his distance inland it was to be a long time in reaching him 這樣說來克萊爾是舊情萌發了,這也為苔絲一往情深的傾訴鋪平了道路,就在那時候,他的父親已經把苔絲寫給他的信轉寄去了不過因為他住在遙遠的內地,這封信要很長時間才能寄到他的手上。

When a child of god begins to get a real vision into the need of the church and of the world , a vision of the divine redemption which god has promised in the outpouring of his love into our hearts , a vision of the power of true intercession to bring down the heavenly blessing , a vision of the honour of being allowed as intercessors to take part in that work , it comes as a matter of course that he regards the work as the most heavenly thing upon earth ? as intercessor to cry day and night to god for the revelation of his mighty power 當神的兒女開始得著真實的異象,看見今日教會以及全世界的需要,看見神的救贖并應許將他的愛澆灌在我們心中,看見真實的代禱能帶下屬天的祝福,看見神準許我們作代禱者的尊榮,并有分于他的代禱工作時,我們即視此為神對于地的一件最崇高的心意? ?借著晝夜不斷的代禱使神的大能顯在地上。

For tony blair michael sheen , the popular and newly elected prime minister , the people s need for reassurance and support from their leaders is palpable . as the unprecedented outpouring of emotion grows ever stronger , blair must find a way to reconnect the beloved queen with the british public 更重要的是,這宗意外令英國政情起了暗涌:英國人民對戴妃的愛戴,令他們感同痛失親人,出名內斂和遏抑情感的英國人缺堤,所有對保守的皇室不滿的情緒,隨著這位人民皇妃之死一下子爆發出來。

And even to those who have already their special circles of work for which to pray , the thought that the enlargement of their vision , and their hearts , to include all god ' s saints and all the work of his kingdom , and all the promise of an abundant outpouring of his spirit , should urge them to take part in a ministry by which their other work will not suffer , but their hearts be strengthened with a joy and a love and a faith that they have never known before 對那些已經知道小組同心禱告功效的基督徒而言,更需要擴充他們的眼界,使之關心世界的禾場,迫切地求上帝將圣靈的大能澆灌在?兒女仆人身上,借著這樣禱告的操練,使眾兒女不會把服事看做重擔,反而因著同心禱告而信心得著堅固,經歷到以前從未體會到的愛和喜樂。

Officiated by dr victor k k fung , chairman of council of hku , the inauguration ceremony marked an unprecedented outpouring of generosity in support of the proud tradition of excellence at the university . endowed professorships at hku are created to provide perpetual support to areas of academic excellence 明德教授席乃香港大學授予杰出學者的崇高榮譽,透過成立永久基金,使該教授所帶領之學術領域,獲得長遠的支持,從而對社會作出恒久而卓越的貢獻。

The race is now on to find the next upstart website capable of forging a mass audience from this outpouring of so - called user - generated content , and to spot the next broad trend that will shape how millions of people use the online medium 目前正在進行一場競賽,以期找出下一個網站新秀,能夠利用這種鋪天蓋地的所謂用戶自創內容吸引龐大的受眾群體;同時,人們也在競相甄別下一個大趨勢,這個趨勢將會決定無數網民未來使用網絡媒介的方式。

For instance , one outcome has been an outpouring of money from around the world , with people being more inspired to contribute financially because they view their donations as having a real purpose rather than simply being used to prop up ailing economies 從世界各地蜂擁而至的經濟援助,即可看出其中一個正面結果,人們受到啟示而自動慷慨捐獻,他們知道自己的捐款具有高雅的目的,而不是只投注在以賺錢為目的的經濟活動中。

In this special festival presentation , the requiem is placed in remarkable context in which gregorian chant , spoken word and the uplifting spiritual music of french composer olivier messiaen surround mozart ' s most sublime outpouring 我們這次香港藝術節的演出,送上特別的節目安排:在格列哥利圣詠、詩詞朗誦、以及法國作曲家梅湘人神合一的靈巧音符映襯下,讓莫扎特最超然的感情剖白完全流露于觀眾之前。

These past few years have been eventful . sars created a greater sense of community in the territory , fostering stronger ties and compassion that we witnessed in hong kong s outpouring of donations to the recent tsunami relief effort 過去的這幾年里,非典型肺炎使得香港這個社區更團結,蘊育了我們后來在香港市民對南亞海嘯災民踴躍捐贈中所看到的強有力的紐帶和熱情。

They had just returned from a mission trip . they were devoted to their church , and now the outpouring of god s love was evident . people could feel and witness the fact that these two young men are now enjoying the great banquet of god 其中一人還是鷹級童子軍,他們剛去完短宣,他們委身于教會,神的愛明顯的傾倒人能感受能見證他們二人正在赴神的筵席。

Like immanuel kant and arthur schopenhauer , kierkegaard led a seriously constricted personal life , channeling his energies into thought - fueled daily walks and a voluminous outpouring of polemical prose 與伊曼紐斯?康德和阿瑟?叔本華一樣,克爾凱戈爾過著一種極為嚴謹的個人生活,而把全副精力投入到每天進行散步時的沉思和篇幅浩瀚的論戰性文章的寫作中。

Think of the privilege of being thus allowed to plead every day with god on behalf of his saints , for the outpouring of his spirit , and for the coming of his kingdom that his will may indeed be done on earth as it is in heaven 這是何等的特權,能為眾圣徒祈求,求圣靈澆灌在上帝的仆人身上,使上帝的國度擴張,讓上帝的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上。

Surprisingly , the results indicate that most of the energy released by the infalling gas goes , not into an outpouring of light as is observed in many active galactic nuclei , but into jets of high - energy particles 令人吃驚的是,結果表明,與大多數活動星系核不同,下落氣體釋放的大部分能量并沒有作為光輻射傾瀉而出,卻是注入到了高能粒子噴流中。

Also , some of the initiates who were builders kindly remodeled the sisters home , transforming it into a neat , beautiful residence . her operation was very successful and the sister was overwhelmed by the initiates outpouring of love 幾位從事建筑的同修,很有愛心地為師姊的房子進行大規模的修繕,將房子整修得既整潔又漂亮。

The outpouring of mucus from hypertrophied bronchial submucosal glands , the bronchoconstriction , and dehydration all contribute to the formation of mucus plugs that can block airways in asthmatic patients 粘液由支氣管粘膜下腺的肥大細胞分泌,支氣管收縮,以及粘液脫水濃縮來形成粘液栓,阻塞哮喘病人氣道。

Since the tsunamis , american children and adults have contributed millions of dollars for disaster relief and reconstruction . they join the outpouring of generosity from around the world 自海嘯爆發以來,這里不論是成人還是兒童紛紛捐款,為支援救災和重建捐獻數以百萬計的美元。